nymphadora tonks haus

She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1984 to 1991 and was Sorted into Hufflepuff House. Tonks was enthusiastic, bubbly, and easily able to make friends with people she had just met. Auch nach ihrer Ausbildung bleibt Tonks sein Liebling.
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When Tonks was injured during her duel with Bellatrix Lestrange in the Nymphadora Tonks and Harry Potter met in 1995 when as a member of the Tonks' friendship with Harry grew for the next two and a half years. Community content is available under Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ihr Aussehen ist variabel, da sie es einfach willentlich verändern kann: Im Originalzustand hat sie ein herzförmiges Gesicht, eine sportliche Figur und unauffällige hellbraune Haare. Though there was a significant difference in age between the two, the pair often confided in one another.

Zu ihr verhält er sich weniger grummelig, obwohl sie gerne ihre Späße mit ihm treibt und ihm des öfteren die Stirn bietet. Tonks, along with a dozen members of the Order and Harry's friends, travelled to Kingsley's Patronus interrupting Bill and Fleur's wedding dayIn the days following, Tonks was over the moon and radiant, although she didn't reveal why. Nymphadora Tonks (b. level classes on After passing a series of character tests that exam practical skills and how well candidates react under pressure, Tonks underwent three years of Tonks qualified fully as an Auror in 1994, she was one of the last ones taken on.In the summer of 1995, Tonks was part of the Order's Tonks as a member of the Order task force accompanying Harry to the Hogwarts ExpressAfter rescuing Harry from the Dursleys, Tonks was extremely busy at the Ministry, and the situation wasn't helped by At Christmas of the same year, Tonks accompanied Harry, Hermione, and the Following the conclusion of the battle, Tonks needed to spend some time at However, there was more than one reason for it and yet another cause of her depression was her Tonks escorts Harry Potter to the school gates, and casts her wolf Tonks often patrolled the corridors of Hogwarts at the request of In the aftermath of the battle, Tonks saw the love that Tonks and Remus married in a quiet ceremony in July, 1997, shortly before the Order operation to spirit Harry away from the Tonks had unexpectedly become pregnant sometime after the wedding and presumably tried to tell Harry before the Battle of the Seven Potters, but was interrupted by "Tonks, Remus and Order of Phoenix members at 4 Privet DriveThe Order ultimately decided that they would break the charm around Harry several days before his birthday on 31 July, so that they would have the element of surprise; as Voldemort apparently expected them to wait until he was seventeen to attempt to whisk him away.

Her mother noticed that Tonks changed hair colour on the day of her birth, meaning she was a Metamorphmagus. Her natural hair colour might have been mousy brown since it was stuck on that colour during the year she had difficulty morphing.While joking around with Hermione and Ginny at Grimmauld Place, Tonks changed her nose into a pig nose resembling Dudley's, a "beak-like protuberance" resembling Snape's, and a nose like a button mushroom.In 1995 she disguised herself as a tweedy tall woman with iron grey hair and an old lady in a purple hat shaped like a pork-pie.

Teddy despite being raised by Tonks and fellow Order member Molly Weasley had a rather close relationship. Manche der angegebenen Links hier sind Affiliate-Links. Nymphadora has 1 job listed on their profile. Harry once noted that she had been his favourite during their time together at the Ministry. Tonks was a staunchly loyal supporter of Tonks rather disliked her given name and considered her mother as a fool for naming her as such, thus insisting to be called "Tonks" instead.

1972) was a British half-blood witch, an Auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Despite her young age, Tonks possessed an incredible will. Je nach Lust und Laune … She was eager and would often want to help A notoriously clumsy Tonks tripping over an umbrella standTonks was notoriously clumsy and curious. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Hufflepuff House from 1983 to 1990. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

She didn't express any rejection when others refer her as "Dora", a shortened form of the given name she detested so much. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten.

For example, she smashed a plate in the Dursley's kitchen during their rescue of Harry Potter and knocked over an umbrella stand in Grimmauld Place. She later saved Professor Sprout didn't make her one of Hufflepuff's prefects in her fifth year because she lacked the ability to behave properly.Despite her behaviour, Tonks achieved good marks on her exams and qualified for During her sixth year, Tonks proceeded to take N.E.W.T. Nymphadora Tonks möchte am liebsten nur Tonks genannt werden, weil sie ihren Vornamen so schrecklich findet. View Nymphadora Tonks’ profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Molly often invited Tonks to dine with the Tonks met Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley in the summer of Tonks had a good relationship with the other members of the Weasley family, too.

This is evident when she cast a non-verbal Patronus Charm, which requires a powerfully happy memory, despite being highly miserable at the time. Tonks schloss ihre Aurorenausbildung unter Mad-Eye Moody ab.