We know this because in August 1995, Tonks tells Harry she's only one year out of Auror training . Her natural hair colour might have been mousy brown since it was stuck on that colour during the year she had difficulty morphing.While joking around with Hermione and Ginny at Grimmauld Place, Tonks changed her nose into a pig nose resembling Dudley's, a "beak-like protuberance" resembling Snape's, and a nose like a button mushroom.In 1995 she disguised herself as a tweedy tall woman with iron grey hair and an old lady in a purple hat shaped like a pork-pie. Teddy despite being raised by Tonks and fellow Order member Molly Weasley had a rather close relationship. She was the daughter of Edward and Andromeda Tonks, wife of Remus Lupin and the mother of Edward Remus Lupin. When Tonks was injured during her duel with Bellatrix Lestrange in the Nymphadora Tonks and Harry Potter met in 1995 when as a member of the Tonks' friendship with Harry grew for the next two and a half years. She briefly attended Shortly after the wedding, Tonks and Remus split up. Tonks maintained a very good relationship with her parents, although she utterly detested the name Nymphadora, which was bestowed upon her by Tonks's extended family was populated by members of the Despite being extremely happy, Remus felt that any relationship between the two of them was too dangerous because he was a Jacob's sibling and Tonks met in their first year at Hogwarts, and shared Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody was Tonks' mentor during her time training as an For his part, Moody was openly fond of Tonks. Tonks was enthusiastic, bubbly, and easily able to make friends with people she had just met. For example, she smashed a plate in the Dursley's kitchen during their rescue of Harry Potter and knocked over an umbrella stand in Grimmauld Place. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Hufflepuff House from 1983 to 1990. Her mother noticed that Tonks changed hair colour on the day of her birth, meaning she was a Metamorphmagus. In her youth, Tonks tried to solve her mistakes in unorthodox ways, not always effective. Nymphadora Tonks was born in late 1972 to 1973 to Edward Tonks, a Muggle-born wizard and Andromeda Tonks (née Black), a pure-blood witch and former member of the noble House of Black although she was burned off the family tree after marrying a muggle-born, which was considered a betrayal to the family. Elle utilise ses pouvoirs de métamorphomage pour changer son apparence selon ses propres envies. See more ideas about Nymphadora tonks, Harry potter, Tonks and lupin. Ses cheveux courts sont souvent d'une couleur extravagante comme rose ou violet. En revanche elle est aussi très maladroite ce qui l'emmène régulièrement à faire tomber des objets ou à les casser. Trop jeune à l'époque de la création de l'Ordre, elle rejoint le second Ordre du Phénix. Curieuse, elle est ravie d'en savoir plus sur le monde des moldus en dehors de ce qu'elle sait de son père. Molly often invited Tonks to dine with the Tonks met Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley in the summer of Tonks had a good relationship with the other members of the Weasley family, too.
Community content is available under Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In memory of both Tonks and Lupin, Harry acted as a father figure to their orphaned son Teddy. Home Events Nymphadora Tonks is born.
Timeline Notes. Son père, Ted Tonks, est un sorcier né moldu et sa mère est Andromeda Tonks, née Black. Nymphadora Tonks was born on the 24th March 1973 Ask. Elle utilise son poste d'auror au ministère pour servir d'espion à l'En tant que membre de l'Ordre du Phénix, elle fait partie de la garde rapprochée escortant Elle escorte Harry lors de ses déplacements au ministère ou à la gare de Guérie de ses blessures, elle est présente à la gare de King Cross pour accueillir Harry Potter et ses amis à la fin de l'année scolaire.Après l'arrivée au poste de Ministre de la magie de Après avoir épousé Remus Lupin au cours d'une cérémonie discrète et sobre, elle participe à la Après une brève apparition au Terrier le jour de l'anniversaire de Harry, elle fait partie avec Remus des invités du mariage de Tonks est une sorcière au visage pâle en forme de cœur aux yeux sombres et brillants.