#satseshWise words here- I like the one about taking time to listen. Kindness really does matter! We harber events in our lives and hold on to them for too long. Time is definitely the greatest gift we can offer another human being.
I once saw a girl in my school and asked if she was ok. I wasn’t particularly worried about her, but she didn’t look herself, it was a thirty second conversation.
❤ #thesatsesh xoxoThank you lovely, I just reblogged this post! Luckily I later realised he wasn’t worthy of my time, love or energy. Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence November 12, 2017 November 12, 2017 ~ Fridgesays I’m not sure who this quote is by, but it seems to have a Hindu / Urdu meaning and this just makes it even cooler for me. Turning our minds in to lost property boxes full of ‘could have, should have’ regrets and empty promises. Love this blog .. you are my #blogcrush this weekOhhh how exciting. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. This isn’t a life sentence. Never be defined by your past. I believe that life is too short and everyone should try to spend as much time as possible with their loved ones.My trust a one time offer that you won't be offered a second time.If only there were more people in the world that never gave up on being the good guy.I do not stress over anything that is out of my control. Life really is a journey and one that we are so blessed to take. It is the way we will survive.
10 mai 2017 - Never Be A Prisoner Of Your Past It Was Just A Lesson Not A Life Sentence. #thesatseshLove this, it’s so true. But you’re so right, we must also learn that we can have a positive effect on things too. Sadly, he was probably reflecting his own faults on me and What’s my point?
I hope the message rings true for the masses! Learning from the past however can make all the difference to our present.This is beautiful. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.
Whatever I do, I think and do from my heart and have absolutely no regrets about that. My llife motto is no regrets; everything happens for a reason and is a learning opportunity and if it was something crap, or someone hurt us, or we hurt someone, then in theory, it shouldn’t happen again. We blame ourselves for past behaviours, but actually no matter how poorly we behaved, we did it in the moment with little thought of the repercussions. I also can remember a time I allowed a man in my life to make me feel small, insignificant and he totally discounted my feelings and my heart.
I had no idea. #thesatseshIt’s crucial to survival and even helps thriving x This world needs kindness like people need water. It’s so easy to let others undermine us, but we need to be strong! They really appreciate the fact that you notice any changes… xx #thesatseshAhh, love this! I also agree that the power of those quick conversations in school with kids is amazing. Many of the things we do as humans are often unkind (seriously take a look at the rate we are destroying planet earth) and yet we are also unaware of the how our behaviour both positive and negative can have on others.
It was just a lesson not a life sentence.
Never be a prisoner of your past. This is me and all I am required to do is live better each day and not repeat the same mistakes once I’ve recognised them, which sounds easier than actioned, So I have a theory that when we take time to be kind to ourselves we almost by default end up being kinder to and more aware of others. #thesatseshI think these are very wise words to live by. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website.