nøkk r6 face

1.1m members in the Rainbow6 community. But it smacks you in the face when you know the truth. But it smacks you in the face when you know the truth.I wondered how Nøkk felt about all this and how it influenced her upbringing. … The Operator Cosplay guide includes a full 360 view of Goyo's Operator model, detailed close-ups of his Uniform items, guns and accessories, as well as the original color schemes and patterns. While weapons are …

Nøkk’s real identity has been a prickly issue given the potential scandal should it ever be made public. Nøkk knew about her father and his family, but it took a while before the family knew about Nøkk. Nøkk enlisted at the Army NCO School in Sønderborg, then enrolled at the Royal Danish Military Academy where she graduated at the rank of First Lieutenant. She reveals her face to comrades, so if anyone saw Nøkk, Zofia, and Ela together, wouldn’t they be able to put it together? Nøkk served in Afghanistan and Iraq, often alone in deep undercover behind enemy lines. 1 Partners Vol.

She was introduced in the Operation Phantom Sight expansion alongside Warden. Face intense close quarters combat, high lethality, tactical decision making, team play, and explosive action within every moment. Drones, Bulletproof Cameras, Evil Eyes and more will thus be unable to register Nøkk's presence as she roams through the map, unseen. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Fortunately, Nøkk’s cover identity is currently “in jail,” building up credibility while giving us an incredible opportunity to work with someone of Alibi’s and Bandit’s caliber. Nøkk enlisted at the Army NCO School in Sønderborg, then enrolled at the Royal Danish Military Academy where she graduated at the rank of First Lieutenant. You’d think there’d be some resentment there, but Nøkk is comfortable quietly serving Queen and Country and everything else that falls under the umbrella; her Darwinist outlook isn’t rooted in her own safety, but rather the betterment of the soldiers of her unit and her country. 6,268 Followers, 26 Following, 555 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nøkk_Official (@nokk_r6) NATO's O&P division recommended Nøkk for Rainbow as one of its deep cover specialists.A Medium Armored Operator, Nøkk's unique gadget is the HEL Presence Reduction Device, a gadget that when activated, dampens her sound and erases her image from cameras. I love a good mystery and I was not disappointed. Roaming will be riskier than ever for Defenders, as Nøkk could be hiding behind every corner or worse, sneaking up right behind them. Sign up with Email. Nøkk's gadget is the ultimate form of stealth technology. Created Oct 27, 2011. Nøkk is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.

Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. Nøkk tried to dismiss it as one of the realities of the job, but eventually I learned enough to start painting a portrait. I have no doubt Nøkk is a strong fit for Rainbow, and I hope we can use her to the full extent of her stay with us. Is that IQs eyes? They tried to give Nøkk a better life, but without bringing her into the fold out of fear of courting a major scandal for the family. Nøkk’s mother raised her, and the pair are close to the point of being best friends. Tom Clancy’s, Rainbow Six, The Soldier Icon, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Welcome to the Rainbow 6 subreddit, a community for R6 fans to discuss Rainbow …

Includes an integrated suppressor for stealth.Semi-automatic pistol with low-caliber, high velocity rounds. Similarly, Warden’s primary weapons are the M590A1 shotgun and the MPX submachine gun. Want us to remember this setting for all your devices? By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Liquipedia will soon drop support for Internet Explorer.“The only thing I feel when I pull the trigger is recoil.”Counter-intel that wipes Nøkk's image from observation tools and reduces her noise, with exceptions.9mm close to mid-range submachine gun with moderate recoil and high rate of fire.This compact 12-gauge shotgun runs of a six round drum. 2 After Action Report Biography (Not a Chapter) Vol. She received commendations for eliminating hostile insurgents in surgical strikes and was responsible for uncovering Erik “Maverick” Thorn’s location, forwarding that intel to the Unit.Nøkk keeps her identity hidden from all but her fellow operators. The HEL is a glove attachment, which, when activated, reduces her ambient noise output and hides her image from the opponents' observation tools. Nøkk knew about her father and his family, but it took a while before the family knew about Nøkk. For reasons of National Security and currently active missions, Nøkk's records are sealed at Nøkk keeps her identity hidden from all but her fellow operators.

Her footsteps will be silenced as she stalks opposing operators, unheard. The Operator Cosplay guide includes a full 360 view of Nøkk’s Operator model, detailed close-ups of her Uniform items, guns and accessories, as well as the original color schemes and patterns.© 2015 Ubisoft Entertainment. — Nøkk.