Spells that can't consistently deal damage are not playable.What I'm trying to offer with this guide is not merely a decklist, but also a guide on how Burn should be built and played. It’s an archetype that has been a part of Magic for as long as the game has existed, after all, Lightning Bolt was printed in Magic’s first set. You can’t make many changes to your strategy because you’re fast and consistent. Most Burn decks in Modern today splash white for cards like Lightning Helix and Boros Charm, making them even more consistent and powerful. We switched out the cards that actively lose life for the ones that gain life. You need every spell in your deck to guarantee damage. By Michael Flores. If the Burn deck draws all spells however, it is much harder for us to win. Play this like you would play Storm. Every mode is powerful and relevant in this match, whether you’re killing a Goblin Guide, taking away a burn spell, or padding your own life total.So you might be asking yourself, “If lifegain is so back breaking, then why not play something that gains you more than 2-3 life?” While it’s true that something like So we know we want to bring in our Kitchen Finks, our Baloths, and our Collective Brutalities, but what are we taking out?You’ll notice that one card I’m not suggesting you board out is LotV.
Burn is not the type of deck that wins in a landslide with 10 extra damage, so you need to get this right.Keep in mind that there are multiple other modes that many people tend to forget about.
It was awesome to have some great friends with me when I cast the last Bolt because the win was an emotional one. EFro also co-hosts Constructed Resources with Marshall Sutcliffe.ChannelFireball - Magic: The Gathering Strategy, Singles, Cards, Decks Against Burn, I’m sideboarding like this.This is pretty straight forward. I've posted an image as well as a link to my google sheet which I will update and keep live going forward (the image will remain static, of course). This means that if people want to do enough to beat you, they will beat you. The main goal of their deck doesn’t allow them to bring in too many cards against any one match, and thankfully there really isn’t any silver bullet solution to our game plan anyway. Without powerful, early, aggressive creatures, a burn deck is really going to struggle. It's pretty easy to just rank all of them in order.Obviously, this was written about Legacy, but much of it holds true for Modern. People tend to absolutely love it or totally hate it. If you only remember one thing from this description, remember this: Burn is basically a combo deck. Decks like Burn represent such a small overall percentage of any Modern metagame that this isn’t a winning approach.On the other side of the coin, there is no deck that punishes an opponent for bad draws more than Burn. Mono Blue I insisted on playing 20 lands in Burn because you keep a lot of one-landers. Sometimes saving an Here’s the list that Brandon Burton used to take down Grand Prix Indianapolis. During our playtest before the Pro Tour, our "metagame analyst" Lee Shi Tian and Tomoharu Saito tried to predict the metagame and came to the conclusion that 5-Color Human, Affinity, While Burn doesn't have an excellent matchup against the most popular archetypes we expected [5-Color Human (even), Affinity (slightly bad), Death's Shadow (slightly good)], it does have a lot of good matchup against the Top 4th-10th archetypes we expected [BGx (slightly bad/even), Burn (slightly good because I always play Burn also lived up its name as one of the "Modern Police" because it usually matchups well against decks that randomly show up in the metagame (e.g. These are the things that make Burn actually good.These are the questions that you should be able to answer, preferably with yes:Building your starting 60 is pretty easy.
I wish I had known this when I started playing Rock decks but as I’ve mentioned before, every tick up is saving you life. Despite my poor performance at the Pro Tour, I liked my list as I spent a lot of time fine-tuning it and Lee Wing Tat and Wu Kon Fai (who played my 75) both went 7-3 with it at the PT. After a promising 3-1 start, I went 0-4 in my fast four rounds and failed to make Day 2. Simon Nielsen shares his preparation process for the previous Modern Grand Prix. I came Friday to get new cards; played in a Modern event; and came back Saturday just for the 3pm PTQ. Popular Modern Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from tournament results. Be prepared to know how it works, how to best build it, and hopefully how to best beat it as well!Naya Burn has been the consensus best Burn deck for a while now, but do you think that trend will continue?