miraculous juleka tiger

There's a lot of work coming up and half, well, most the credit goes to TeruuBerry. - Tigress AU/Tiger!Juleka AU. Before the Miraculous jewels were created, Roaar and the other kwamis traveled all over the universe unable to interact with humans. As Rose watches a new report of Prince Ali arriving in Paris while crying, in "Princess Fragrance", Juleka has her friend tissues to dry her eyes and flow her nose on. What powers do you guys think the tiger miraculous will give Juleka? alix-bunnix-me ( @cs2979733) juleka-me tiger miraculous-rose- @galaxy_rulezplyzyt pig miraculous-marinette- @tiki_spots_on ladybug- @tiki_spots_on adrien- Luka says, shaking his head at his sister. The two are commonly seen sitting or standing next to each other as the show features its "couples". There is also a "photo" of Rose with pig ears and snout stickers while Juleka as a tiger's ear and fang stickers. Miraculous Roleplay, a Studio on Scratch. Miraculous juleka tiger : Reddtig ... Miraculous juleka tiger : Reddtig. <3. Julerose is a popular femslash ship that continues to grow within the The season two and three opening shows Rose with pig phone stickers on her face while Juleka has a tiger's fang, and since many of the new miraculous in the series are people who are friend with Marinette and Adrien, as well as some of them being their fellow classmates, fans have began to theories that the two girls would one day be entrusted with the Pig and Tiger Miraculouses. Follow/Fav Juleka's Birthday. On the day of the music festival in "Captain Hardrock", Rose and Juleka are shown to be in a band called Kitty Section, where Rose sings and Juleka plays guitar with her older brother, Luka, while Ivan severs as their drummer. The Tiger Miraculous is a panjas bracelet that, whenever Roaar inhabits it, transforms the wearer into a tiger-themed superhero. ... Buscar en Twitter - #juleka.

Another photo with a pigeon blocking Juleka's face. Modern Disney.

Featured in collections. She can also carry objects that are larger and/or heavier than herself. Miraculous Ladybug by sonicarchiefan45. Kendi Pinlerinizi keşfedin ve Pinterest'e kaydedin! Then, thousands of years ago, a As of Season 2, Roaar has lain dormant in the Tiger Miraculous. In "Reflekta", after being locked in the bathroom by Sabrina Raincomprix (under the orders from Chloé Bourgeois) to prevent Juleka from participating in the class photo, she is infected with an akuma by Hawk Moth and becomes Reflekta, a supervillain who turns people into copies of herself. There's a lot of work coming up and half, well, most the credit goes to TeruuBerry. When being commanded by those who are demanding or rude Roaar will refuse help and criticize them on their recklessness such as she did with Chloe. By: Ecofinisher. Julerose is the femslash ship between Juleka Couffaine and Rose Lavillant from the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. sorry for the quality. Rose's kind, caring nature has her looking out for Juleka whenever she needs help and support. 640x640px 126.47 KB. Even though Juleka mostly doesn't represent some of these. In "Reverser", the two are shown to be part of the school's art club, with a few of their fellow creative classmates, where Rose writes the songs for their band. Oneshot for the Juleka Appreciation Week on Tumblr. Juleka Couffaine is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont. Juleka: (sighs) Ever since I was little, every time someone takes a photo of me, something always goes very wrong. The Tiger Miraculous, when inhabited by Roaar, is a dark purple Panjas Bracelet that has a center spherical object with a light yellow-green tiger paw print on it that slightly resembles the When worn by Marinette, in its camouflaged form, it is rose gold and has three emerald stones .

When the titled villain attacks, the two girls were chained up together until Ladybug comes to their and the others rescue. Since Alya, Nino, Chloé, Luka and Kagami were given theirs when a family member or friend of theirs were akumatized or have been captured by one, there is a chance that Rose and Juleka might be given theirs when either one of them is in danger and Ladybug needs one of their help to save the other, by lending either one of them a Miraculous.

After the two escaped the Zombizou populated school by bus, Juleka comfits Rose from her worries while letting her friend sit on her lap, before the purple kiss mark on Rose's leg took control of her and kissed Juleka on the lips.

Roaar can fly, levitate, and phase through solid objects. It is currently being stored in the Miracle Box. Miraculous by EmiliaFNAF123. It's a paintbrush! " It is currently being stored in the Miracle Box.

In "Reflekdoll" Rose compliments Juleka on her hair and wanted to stay with her at Marinette's house before Juleka insisted she go.