me 110 flugfähig

ZG 1 The campaign in the west that followed in 1940 demonstrated that the Bf 110 was vulnerable in hostile skies. The request from the ministry listed following requirements ―  a twin-engine, three-seat, all-metal monoplane, armed with cannon, but also featuring a bomb bay.After several design prototypes offered by respectable German aircraft manufacturers, Goering settled on the early variant of what was soon to become the notorious Messerschmitt Bf 110. For defense against tailing fighters, the Bf 110 relied on a single MG 15 machine gun, also using 7.92 caliber bullets, or a twin-barrel MG 81Z.As the war progressed, its air-to-air weaponry was replaced with more powerful 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, while the models used especially as bomber-destroyers were fitted with two 30 mm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannons which came instead of the MG 17s.As for the bomb rack under its fuselage, it was able to carry between 1,500 and 2,000 kg of bombs, depending on their type.Later the fighter-bomber was installed with a single 37 mm (1.46 in) BK 3,7 auto fed cannon called Despite having garnered great success during the sweeping string of German victories in the early stages of the war, the Bf 110 proved to be lacking the agility to face organized resistance by Allied fighters.Still, it remained in use and was largely praised as an irreplaceable night fighter by German aces who specialized in night raids, as it formed the backbone of the Major Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer, the most successful night ace of the Luftwaffe demanded to exclusively fly in a radar-equipped Bf 110 G2 aircraft and claimed 121 victories in 164 combat missions.However, by 1944 Allied bombing raids on Germany became more frequent and the Bf 110 was put to defense but was unable to make a difference in times of complete Allied air supremacy. Aviation in 1943. However, on 4 and 27 September, 15 Bf 110s were lost on each day.On 10 May 1941, in a strange episode in the aftermath of the Battle of Britain, The Messerschmitt Bf 110C and Es were committed to the Just 51 air worthy Bf 110s took part in the initial rounds of In the far north, in the battlefields between Kirkenes (Norway) and the port of Murmansk, the Bf 110 still could claim important successes in the first half of 1942. Get a quote today! < Previous Thread | Next Thread > 110 madhatter New Member. The It was also used as a ground attack aircraft, starting with the C-4/B model, and as a day bomber interceptor, where its heavy firepower was particularly useful. And once they get to know the Bf 110s weaknesses, you could be in for a very nasty surprise.During the Phoney War, a number of French aircraft were shot down by Bf 110s. For example, the Zerstorer unit deployed there, the 10. One of the Bf 110 units assigned to air defence in this sector was In Norway, the Bf 110s helped secure the Oslo-Fornebu airport, escorting With experience fighting in Norway, efforts were made to extend the combat range of the Bf 110C; these became the Bf 110D Long Range (Gentlemen, be very careful if you should ever come up against the English. The Bf 110 also supported the German defence during On 22 February, six Bf 110s were lost for two kills against B-17s, while on 6 March, five Bf 110s were lost and one damaged out of nine machines committed.One of the most notable actions of the Bf 110 occurred on the night of the 17/18 August 1943. Production during 1940 had risen to 1,083 machines, but with the impending introduction of the Me 210, only 784 machines were produced in the following year. Messerschmitt Bf 110 of future night fighter ace Lt. Helmut Lent overshoot the runway in Oslo-Fornebu and came to rest in the garden of a house. Hi, I,m considdering getting rid of my td5 and replacing it with a mecedes 2,5 td with inter, would like some thoughts and comments . Messerschmitt Bf 110, first envisaged in 1934 as Germany's strategic fighter - Zerstörer, was destined to serve with the Luftwaffe throughout the war, in spite of the very apparent obsolescence in the later years of the conflict. ZG 26 claimed 13 RAF fighters shot down, which "was not far off the mark", for three losses and five damaged. Despite the fact that the early versions introduced in 1937 featured drawbacks concerning engine power and its reliability, by the time the war began, the aircraft’s performance had much improved.During the first years of the war, the Bf 110’s main armament included two MG FF 20 mm cannons and four 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17 machine guns situated in the upper and the lower part of the nose, respectively. Whatever happened in the worldwide history of aviation, also in World War I and in World War II, has been reported in this magazine.