Needing to get Ellie out of Boston, Marlene made a deal with a smuggler named Marlene guided them through the docks and around the military patrols still searching for the Fireflies that attacked the checkpoint within the city. (Unaware that Tess has shot and killed him)Marlene telling Ellie that she needs to go with Joel, and that [Marlene] will be okay.Marlene greets a recently unconscious Joel to the Fireflies' HQ.Marlene threatens Joel, trying to persuade him Ellie would want to find a cure. When Ellie failed to succumb to the CBI as her friend Riley did, Marlene realized that she was immune. Fancy way of saying we gotta kill the fucking kid. When she told him of Ellie’s situation and the possibility of a vaccine being produced, he objected to the idea.
She tried to intimidate him with terrible scenarios that could happen to Ellie; death at the hands of Marlene told him that Ellie would want to follow through with the surgery and that he could still do the right thing by handing her over.
She was portrayed by Merle Dandridge, who is famous for voicing Alyx Vance in Half-Life 2, and also played Evelyn and Sister Catherine in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, another Naughty Dog … Bringing Ellie to the hospital, the doctors revealed that extracting the parasite would kill her, and asked Marlene to give the go ahead to do the surgery. Meeting with Joel, Marlene revealed that Ellie was prepped for surgery, but also replied that she could die. Note: All punctuation and capitalization are typed up as it is heard in the game.. Hey Anna...It's been awhile since we spoke. Wanting revenge for her father's death, Abby brutally tortured and killed Joel in front of Ellie. Marlene then ordered Ethan to take Joel away, and if he fought or tried to stop the operation, have him killed. They were close enough that he told her about his brother Joel and even recommended him if she "was ever stuck in a jam". I'm so tired. Marlene was described by Ellie as "just a friend, I guess."
Although not much was displayed of her relationship with him, Marlene respected Ethan, the man being an ally of hers due to their shared beliefs. After recovering her weapons, Marlene and her men left Boston and dealt with many casualties along the journey. Understanding Riley and Ellie's relationship, Marlene decided to send Riley away to another city further away from their unit. She was then shot by Joel, who placed Ellie in the car to getaway.
However, the doctors could not operate on her friend’s brain without killing her. After Joel's massacre and carrying Ellie to the parking lot, Marlene attempts to stop him at gunpoint. The clash of these juxtaposed philosophies culminated in Joel killing Marlene in fear that she would come after Ellie.
Joel would lie to Ellie about what happened, stating that there was no cure, but Ellie appears to not believe all he says, even telling him to swear before the game ends.
The pair were close enough that Ellie didn't want to part from her with Joel and Tess and felt a need to protect her when she saw Joel enter the room with a visibly wounded Marlene.
Despite their loses, Marlene and her men became optimistic and made it to Salt Lake City in early 2034.
In the game our protagonists are Joel and Ellie. This is key to their cause--finding a vaccine. When Joel did finally deliver Ellie to the Fireflies, Marlene compared his bond with Ellie to her own and understood that, as Ellie's surrogate parents, the decision to kill her to develop a vaccine was hard on her and Joel. As part of Riley's initiation into the Fireflies, Marlene had the girl kill an Infected. Marlene went into deep depression, questing her leadership, and doubting the Fireflies cause. Joel knew Marlene as the leader of the Fireflies ever since his brother Tommy joined the militia group. Marlene treated Ellie as her surrogate daughter, following her friend Anna's dying wish. Despite this, Riley sneaked away and spent time with Ellie, which would lead the two to be bitten by infected, with only Ellie surviving the bite.
Riley argued heavily against such but Marlene ignored her pleas, planning to move her six weeks later.
However, Marlene was viewed as untrustworthy by Tess, by how she refused to do any smuggling until she saw the merchandise she promised, yet went with her to check it out, trusting that the Firefly would not harm her. When Riley asked whether Ellie could join the organization, Marlene told her that she wanted Ellie to stay safe at the military school and forbade Riley to see her again. Ellie wanted to stay with her, but Marlene reminded her that this was their only chance to get her out of the city. Marlene assured her that she could trust Joel. She goes on that Ellie can't be saved, as she would eventually be killed by clickers, thugs, or sexually assaulted. She explained that the Fireflies are trying to leave the city, but the military "riled them up". Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Have Ellie sacrificed to create a vaccine for humanity contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. However, he stated that she would only pursue Ellie to get her back, so he shot Marlene point blank in the face.Before she told Joel about Ellie’s condition, Marlene held a meeting with the Fireflies' head surgeon It is implied that Marlene and Tess knew each other before the events of the game; Marlene going so far as to call Tess by name.
Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.She was portrayed by Merle Dandridge, who is famous for voicing Marlene was the leader of the Fireflies, a group who fought against the Military totalitarian rule during the apocalypse. Before leaving, Tommy told her that if she was ever in a jam she could rely on Joel for help. Ellie would later swear vengeance for Joel's demise alongside Joel's younger brother, Tommy. Marlene's Recorder 2 is an artifact found in the chapter "The Firefly Lab".. Marlene successfully led them back to her hideout as she collapsed.
Conqueror of all Zombies wrote:JuniperAlien wrote:KillRoy231 wrote:"Enemies" fits better than "villains" in this case beca... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.