It's partly true that "Mohammed" has ascended the ranks of baby names due to growing immigrant communities in Germany. Marie - Louise. Don't know if that is available online. Translation: In Berlin, Mohammed was the most popular first firstname in 2018! More. Marie Bell (1922–2012), New Zealand educationalist, lecturer and teacher. They had this name in Berlin last year at place 6, this year at place one. Letztes Jahr habe ich erfahren, das meine Freundin schwanger ist. Marie als Erstname? Auf dieser Seite findest Du eine Auflistung aller Doppelnamen mit dem Vornamen Marie.Wenn Dir einer der 452 aufgeführten Doppelnamen wie Holly-Marie, Honor-Marie, Stella-Marie, Paula-Marie oder Marie-Luise auf Anhieb gefällt, dann setze ihn auf Deinen persönlichen Merkzettel und/oder gib eine Stimme für den Namen ab. Ja, der Name Marie ist sehr häufig, aber meistens wird er nur als zweit Name vergeben. are treated like a name by us. Example: If a child has the firstnames "Marie Paula", only Marie is counted not Paula.If all firstnames are counted Number one for males in Berlin is Alexander, followed by Maximilian and Paul.In Berlin war Mohammed im Jahr 2018 der beliebteste Erstname! Example: Is a child Name Marie Paula, Marie is the first firstname and Paula the second firstname. That could change these rankings a lot as I would guess Muhammed to be a more common second first name than for example Emil.Further to matt_black's point about the dominance of Muhammad (+variants) among Muslims, Considering all the detailed arguments and the correct conclusion in this great answer (+1), I think the first four words should be replaced by smg more incisive than You seem to base the name aliasing on Wikipedia, but I can tell you from the first hand that "Oleg" is not the same name as "Alexander". "As the other answers already show, there are several problems to answer these questions.Mohammed does not originate in the latin alphabet. Be them prophets or boxers seems of little importance in those cases.The same argument is brought to German readers in Als Erstname ist er noch beliebter: In Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen und im Saarland ist er in der Erstnamenliste unter den Top 10 vertreten.Again: As a 1st 'first name', compared to 2nd 'first name' Mohammed is among the top ten in Berlin. Please note that in their headline they equate "roughly 1 in 100 babies" with "0.65 of all males have some form of Mohammed in their given names list".As one observable trend is that first names get ever more diverse and varied, especially in big cities like Berlin, a short look back for comparison:In Regensburg in the 15th century, 22.6% of all male persons were already named Hans. "We already covered this above, but to be fair, at least that newspaper can claim to just quote the institution publishing their first name study:However, my count arrives at 366 Mohammeds (normalised spellings & variants) as first first names and for Lukas its 432 first first names. Hallo, ich kann einfach nicht schlafen und da ich es tagsüber nicht mehr geschafft hatte hier vorbei zu schauen bin ich jetzt nochmal online gegangen. And with another angle on "how-to-count first names" in:A closer look at the figures reveals that although Mohammed is the most common first name in Berlin, he is not necessarily a very common one. As first given name it is even more popular: in Berlin, Berlin is an international city, but some 'very German' parents like colourful names and might name their children just after famous persons. Ja, ich finde schon, dass der Name etwas "abgelutscht" ist.
With the name Mohammed we have summarized ten different writing variants, which are homophonic (identical sounding) or almost homophonic: Since this is an Arabic name and in Arabic the vowels are only inserted when speaking (depending on the speaker or dialect the name can assume a different pronunciation and thus a different transcription), we have not made any difference between variants with the similar vowels e and a (front/middle vowels) and o and u (rear vowels).