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A beer that has a very high score in a certain beer rating website, a top 50 beer no less. A nice brown bottle with a lovely looking logo, nothing particularly amazing but the name of the brewery laid out in lovely blue … It is nice and well balanced, getting the clove, the yeast, the fruits and, of course, the wheat! A beer that has a very high score in a certain beer rating website, a top 50 beer no less.A nice brown bottle with a lovely looking logo, nothing particularly amazing but the name of the brewery laid out in lovely blue lettering, surrounded by shreds of wheat and hops. Delicious. Review: 0,5l bottle of Maisel’s Weisse Original: 5.2% vol. NEIN, Ich bin noch keine 16 Jahre alt. Smell is one of a typical Hefeweizen bier. A perfect beer to relax with.

Explore thousands of wines, spirits and beers, and shop online for delivery or pickup in a store near you. Speiseempfehlung Maisel's Weisse Original. What a good start!This beer is so easy to drink and instantly puts you in a very relaxed mood. JA, Ich bestätige, dass ich mindestens 16 Jahre alt bin. Inviting.First impressions on the taste was how soft and crisp the beer was, a real lovely velvety feel on the tongue, really smooth and so nice to drink. Shop Maisel's Weisse Original at the best prices. Daher richtet sich die Internetpräsenz von Maisel's Weisse nur an Personen über 16 Jahren. Kräftige Bratengerichte, würzige asiatische Speisen, italienische Pasta & Pizza, Weißwürste, würziger Bergkäse. Zusätzlich findest du hier die neuesten Prospekte und … Bottle conditioned. Maisel's Weisse Original. Alkoholgehalt: 5,1% vol Zutaten: Wasser, Weizen- und Gerstenmalz, Hefe, Hopfen Brauerei Gebr. Simple but effective.
Recommended. Also you get quite a lot in the bottle, love it as I exactly wanted a couple of beers to last a few hours to relax with.Silky on the tongue, a very solid, well balanced, and highly satisfying beer, liked this one a lot. 7,696 Followers, 450 Following, 534 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Maisel's Weisse (@maisels_weisse) Maisel KG setzt sich für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Bier ein. Entdecke Maisel's Weisse Angebote, Aktionen & Rabatte bei Händlern wie Zisch, Globus Baumarkt, Getränke Hörl. Maisel KG Die Brauerei Gebr.