Wir verwenden Cookies. Du hast Fragen zu den Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in unseren Stores? In this beyond spacious suite, enjoy...We’re open again at Berlin’s Max Brown Ku’damm on Friday, 29 May, and oh, how we’ve missed you! Anfahrt mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: U1: Uhlandstraße. And after a day exploring the city, you can fall into your heavenly Max Brown bed.Named after the prolific Berlin-born photographer, this photography gallery hosts work by the...Named after the prolific Berlin-born photographer, this photography gallery hosts work by the...This majestic archeology museum is one of the most visited in Berlin and for a good reason....Looking for some no-nonsense, cheap and delicious food? Have a look around and you’ll see that we make a big effort with every small detail, all so you feel more like a local than a tourist. Und Apple Specialists, die dir helfen, wenn du sie brauchst.Sprich mit einem Specialist im Apple Store oder buch eine kostenlose Persönliche Online Session, um dir beim Einrichten helfen zu lassen.Tausche dein aktuelles Smartphone gegen eine Gutschrift für den Kauf eines neuen iPhone. Bei Tripadvisor auf Platz 60 von 637 Hotels in Berlin mit 4,5/5 von Reisenden bewertet. Finde heraus, was bei Apple Kurfürstendamm bei Today at Apple passiert. Donuts that happen to be vegan. Besuche deine McTREK Outdoor Sports Filiale in Berlin und profitiere vom garantierten Niedrigstpreis | riesige Auswahl | kompetente Beratung Menü. Walking in the hotel’s front doors, you’re greeted by the scent of fresh bread from Benedict, our in-house bakery and breakfast restaurant open 24 hours a day. Discover more about...Berlin’s nightlife now lives online. U2 oder S-Bahn: Zoologischer GartenBuslinien. Us, too. So findest du uns. Wende dich schnell per Telefon, Chat oder E‑Mail an einen Experten.Defektes Display oder andere Hardwareprobleme? Das heißt die gleichen großartigen Produkte und Services. IMPRESSUM I AGB. It originated over 20 years ago when Berlin’s...Ever feel like having breakfast for dinner? That doesn’t mean our hotels are basic. 2020
Kurfürstendamm 26.
Mit der U-Bahn sind Sie in nur wenigen Fußminuten ab Haltestelle "Kurfürstendamm" bei der Filiale. Magazin. The hotel is on the border between the Wilmersdorf District and Charlottenburg, a relaxed, residential neighbourhood that’s hard not to get caught up in. 10719 Berlin (030) 590090000. Anfahrt mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: U1: Uhlandstraße.
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Far from it. Store zeigen. For those of you wanting to stay in an area of Berlin that’s a little more charming and laidback but close to all of the city’s sights, look no further than Max Brown Ku’damm. The...We cannot fully express our love for this market. Berlinreisende, die eine Gegend bevorzugen, die charmant und entspannt, aber dennoch nicht weit von den Sehenswürdigkeiten entfernt ist, sind im Max Brown Ku’damm genau richtig. You will find the...Immerse yourself in the extensive multimedia databases of Bauhaus Archive. Die McTREK Filiale in Berlin-Charlottenburg erreichen Sie mit dem Auto über den Kurfürstendamm oder die Tauenzienstraße.
We can’t wait to see you soon.Just a short stroll away, you can wander through the enticing stalls of the Thai street food market, enjoy wine and cheese at the famed Paris Bar and browse the boutiques at BIKINI, Germany’s first concept mall.
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Here are the four Max Brown essentials:Fresh bread baked daily by our in-house Benedict Bakery. 0. Finden Sie die nächstgelegene MAC Location und professionelle Makeup Services. Kaufberatung. U9: Kurfürstendamm. Bundesallee 201-203, 10717 Berlin Tel. U9: Kurfürstendamm. Smells incredible, tastes even better.Don’t worry about finding a great cup of coffee in the neighbourhood every morning—it’s right here.We’re so proud of our beds that we take one on a tour around Europe every year.So much to see, so little time. Menü.
Filialen. Inside you’ll find all of the Max Brown essentials—great coffee and bread, free WiFi and the most comfortable bed around.At Max Brown, we’ve mastered the basics so well that you won’t miss fancy pillow menus and room service.
They’ve prepared...Treat yourself while staying in with a rejuvenating face mask from the local Berlin brand...Spring is finally happening. If you’re a sweet tooth and don’t mind the...Imagine yourself floating peacefully in salty water with nothing on your mind except… the...This lovely restaurant was opened by a tattoo artist/foodie, and the establishment is WiFi- and...This vegan restaurant took our love for Vietnamese cuisine to a new level. Hilfe & Kontakt +49 (0)6181 701 401 9. Parkmöglichkeiten: Parkgelegenheiten in der Nähe. Go to Lon-Men’s.