Set in the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted, Legacies told the story of the next generation of supernatural beings as they learn what it means to be special in a world that may never understand. Danielle Rose Russell and Peyton Alex Smith also star.When a samurai shows up in Mystic Falls looking for a demon that possesses its victims, Josie (Kaylee Bryant) leads the charge to defend her friends from the demon’s wrath. This led his first love, Hope Mikaelson, to sacrifice her place at the school — and in the world — to protect Landon from a terrible fate.After discovering that there may be a way out of Malivore, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) becomes more determined than ever to find her way back to Mystic Falls. Aria Shahghasemi, Quincy Fouse, Peyton Alex Smith and Chris Lee also star.© Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Meanwhile, Josie and Landon decide whether or not to take their relationship to the next level. Dementsprechend dürfen sich Fans auf ein Comeback von Wer die erste Staffel des Spin-Offs gesehen hat weiß, dass sich Aber auch Neuzugänge wie "Dawson Creek"-SchauspielerinTeil eins des übernatürlichen Dramas brachte es auf 16 Episoden.
Jenny Boyd and Quincy Fouse also star.Back and ready to wreak havoc, The Necromancer (guest star Ben Geurens) sets his plan for revenge in motion. Hope Mikaelson, a tribrid daughter of a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, makes her way in the world.
Zweiteres ist zwar noch nicht in Deutschland abrufbar, wurde jedoch in den USA für eine zweite Staffel verlängert.Die Serie aus dem "Vampire Diaries"-Universum ist das Spin-off von "The Originals" und Es wäre sehr überraschend, wenn der Großteil der Hauptdarsteller nicht für die zweite Staffel von "Legacies" zurückkehren würde. As the Salvatore School prepares for its upcoming '80s-themed decade dance, Hope and Lizzie find themselves trapped inside a never-ending labyrinth with a monster on their trail. Nicht nur die Rolle von Hope Mikaelson wird die Fans fesseln: Der Ab dem 14. Jenny Boyd also stars.After deciding that leaving town would be for the best, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) gets pulled back in after Josie (Kaylee Bryant) comes up with a risky plan to close the Malivore portal.
April 2019 um 20.15 Uhr wurde Staffel 8 ausgestrahlt – im eigens dafür eröffneten Pop-up-Channel bei Sky Atlantic Thrones HD. Elsewhere, as the students leave for summer vacation, Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) stays behind to keep an eye on Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith), while MG (Quincy Fouse) heads to Atlanta to spend time with Kaleb’s (guest star Chris Lee) family.
Quincy Fouse and Chris Lee also star.After learning that Josie, Lizzie and Alaric are in trouble, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) leads the charge to save them. In der ersten Staffel stürzt sich die Schülerin in die Grube von Malivore, um Golems Aufstieg zu stoppen.
Hope, Josie, Lizzie, MG and Rafael quickly learn they must confront their conflicts head-on or risk facing the game's catastrophic consequences. Legacies Staffel 2: Startdatum, Trailer, Handlung und alle weiteren Infos zum "Vampire Diaries"-Ableger "Legacies" ist nach "The Originals" das zweite Spin-Off der erfolgreichen Mystery-Serie "Vampire Diaries". Elsewhere, Alaric (Matthew Davis), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) search for a solution that keeps Josie protected from the dark magic brewing inside the mora miserium.
Meanwhile as Landon and Rafael head to Mystic Falls High in hopes of learning more about the mysterious Hope, MG is conflicted by a secret he's uncovered about Lizzie's new vampire friend Sebastian.
After learning that Josie, Lizzie and Alaric are in trouble, Hope leads the charge to save them. Meanwhile, Alaric’s (Matthew Davis) attempt to keep his family safe leads him to make a difficult decision. Staffel 2 Kaufen in. Legacies ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, die von Julie Plec kreiert wurde und am 25. Finally, Freya (guest star Riley Voelkel) receives an unexpected visit from one of the Salvatore Students.