league of legends wave guide

It will allow your minions to get to the objectives quicker as well as they will not be stopped by a minion wave.The second type of fast push is used when you want to Recall or leave lane. A cannon minion gives more gold and experience than any other minion during the laning phase so you need to try and get it to avoid falling behind. Basically, if the enemy has a total of 2 minions alive in lane, you want to have 5 if it’s on your side.

If you’re struggling to grasp this concept, You do not really need to know what the exact numbers and bonuses your minions will receive because it is constantly changing and really hard to check- and not necessary. In every matchup, you need to play your lane to your advantages.As the Support, you have to act fast and be able to know what your ADC is thinking when it comes to wave management. This is because your reinforcement minions will get to lane quicker compared to the enemies.If there was no minion advantage for the enemy, your minions would start pushing, however leaving alive some minions will prevent the wave from pushing towards the enemy. Every situation has a million different factors that make any decision difficult to pinpoint and say, “Do this every time when XYZ is possible”. the tide turns. On more sophisticated turning the player makes sure his side is making just slightly more damage thus allowing the wave to build up as the wave gets reinforcements before than the enemy wave. This is because your minions will last longer and not die quickly because they will always have the numbers advantage over the enemy.Slow pushing is a term that is used in this sense of gameplay because your minions will – even with the numbers advantage, still take some time to kill the enemy minions.Slow pushing is very simple to understand and perfect. At the end of the day, wave management is all about learning and improving- so don’t get disheartened if you struggle with it to start with. These include,- but are not limited to: Annie’s Q, Brand’s E, Pantheon’s Q and Janna’s W. Skill shots are not considered target spells and you will not draw minion aggression from priority 1, however you may still draw aggro if you’re on the minions hit list.

This is a favored method commonly used by players. Because the middle lane is shorter in length, minions arriving will only take 22 seconds to reach the middle of the lane instead of the 32 seconds in the side lanes.Up until 20 minutes, each third minion wave will be a cannon wave which includes one siege (cannon) minion. In the bottom lane, there are at least 4 champions at all times. Game Updates. You should avoid letting the enemy have pressure on your lane which you can do if you keep it outside of the tower.Because of the way minions spawn and work, if you freeze in this area, you can pull off a harder and harsher freeze because your reinforcement minions will arrive to lane quicker compared to the enemies.Freezing in this area is good for a number of reasons:1) It can stop you from getting ganked by the enemy Jungler.Freezing is incredibly situational and you should not use this section as a rule of thumb. If there are too many minions left alive and you’re not able to tank them, kill all the melee minions, and all of the ranged minions but leave 3 caster minions alive. There is a lot of in-depth and highly detailed information that we have presented in this guide and we are not sure if everybody understands all the terminology that we’ve mentioned. You then proceed to last-hit the remaining minions.

While you take down an inhibitor, no cannon minions will spawn in that lane until it’s resurrected.All waves outside of the standard waves have one additional minion added to them. As the middle lane is the most gankable lane in League, you need to have the wave in a favorable position where you can avoid cheesy ganks.Recalling is something that every lane needs to do and should all look to do at the best time to prevent missing out on farm and experience.

Make sure that you have wards around your lane and around the map when you try to use wave control techniques. Which is always capped at 3.0.If your team has the level advantage, your minions will deal bonus damage to the enemy minions equal to 5% + 5% per turret advantage in a specific lane. The first is to overwhelm the enemy minion wave and the second is by requesting your Jungler to help break the freeze. Using the technique in Solo Queue is best done when you’re ahead of the enemy or if you’re even with them. You do this by using your auto attacks as well as abilities to kill the enemy minions faster. Until the laning phase gets underway, you will not have much damage and no real way of protecting yourself. It is usually left to the Bot laners to help them out. Whenever you leash for your Jungler, you have to keep in mind that you need to get to lane as soon as you can in order to start farming and getting experience.You should aim to leave no later than 1:37/1:38. Wave Management is one of the most beneficial subjects to learn in League of Legends thanks to it being required in every single lane. Just remember that if you’re ahead, the minions will receive reduced damage and deal extra damage.Here’s a very basic rundown of when and where you should expect minions to be at any given time around major objectives. This will speed them up and allow them to get into the action quicker. Your favourite Diamond 1 Support main. If your Jungler comes to help, your team might be losing pressure around the map and this could put your Jungler and other lanes behind.In order for you to break the freeze on your own, you need to clear the minions and shove it into the enemies tower.