klöckner nestlé video youtube
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Ha suscitato un vespaio di polemiche il video in cui Julia Klöckner, ministra dell’agricoltura tedesca della CDU, ha elogiato la multinazionale  svizzera Nestlè. Das Ministerium sieht das anders. Ma la domanda che dobbiamo porci è: tutto ciò è compatibile con l’ambiente e fa bene alla nostra salute? "Eating and drinking are important," the conservative Christian Democrat (CDU) minister said, "but the question is: Is it compatible with the environment and good for our health? Now the government has presented a concept to end food waste — but critics say the plan does not go far enough. Ms. Klöckner has damaged the reputation of her office, and the criticism from political competitors is understandable," Rademacher said.In remarks to media given Thursday, the spokeswoman for Germany's Ministry of Agriculture defended Klöckner's video, but added that the issue was being discussed internally.Implementing the strategy for less sugar, fat and salt in foods also means "talking to everyone involved — including companies," the spokeswoman said. Many criticized her for what they called a "PR stunt" and not confronting the firm over its environmental record. La ministra elogia l’iniziativa della Nestlè di ridurre grassi, zucchero e sale nei suoi prodotti. DieInsects 829,060 views Nonetheless, This week's Nestle video was not the first time Klöckner had come under fire for cozy relations with big companies. "Klöckner has come under fire before for appearing to promote certain products, though these apples, part of a nutritional initiative, raised no criticismLobbyism, or the representation of interest groups, is guaranteed by the German Constitution. He recently made headlines in Germany after his "Fun Fact: If I'd posted this exact tweet with a video just like this one, I'd have had to mark it as an #advert," Rezo tweeted.Most responses to the video on social media either mocked Klöckner for the video or disparaged her response to critics, whom she called "hatespeaker," an apparently literal translation of the German word "Hassredner. "Unfortunately, in the case of Ms. Klöckner, one gets the impression that the food industry is closer to her than consumer protection initiatives," Briand said.Nestle has a highly controversial history across the globe, beginning in the 1970s when it was accused of "aggressive marketing" of breastmilk substitutes in poor countries, contributing to infant deaths. Last year, she was labeled the "beer ambassador" after tweeting a photo of herself holding a cardboard box from a beer shipping service.Lea Briand, spokeswoman for "Abgeordnetenwatch" ("Parliamentarian Watch"), which monitors the transparency of German MPs, told DW that in the Nestle video, Klöckner had "again missed the necessary distance to the food industry." Im Netz erntet sie dafür Kritik und Spott. Nel video pubblicato su Twitter pochi giorni fa, la Klöckner appare al fianco di Marc-Aurel Boersch, amministratore delegato di Nestlè Germania. And why politicians face a huge challange to encourage the food industry to sell healthier products. Das ist schlimmer als Schleichwerbung. Julia Klöckner appeared in a video praising Nestle for cutting sugar and fat in its products. The Agriculture Ministry said it was still too early to decide on financial aid. Bundesagrar- und Ernährungsministerin Julia Klöckner stellt sich für den Twitter-Kanal des Ministerium vor die Kamera - mit dem Nestlé-Deutschland-Chef.   A meeting of German officials to discuss the ongoing drought has failed to produce the result farmers have been hoping for. Nel video pubblicato su Twitter pochi giorni fa, la Klöckner appare al fianco di Marc-Aurel Boersch, amministratore delegato di Nestlè Germania. «Mangiare e bere sono questioni importanti.

The company has also come under fire for alleged labor rights violations, including most recently in 2015, when it was revealed that its seafood products sourced in Thailand were the result of forced labor. "If they have committed themselves to changing their products, then that's a success — and that's what this was about.
""First, Klöckner let lobbyists argue away the sugar tax and the food rating system, and then she participates in a Nestle PR event," Lauterbach said.German YouTuber Rezo also criticized the video.