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When your face is paralyzed, the muscles may feel harder or impossible to control, as if they’ve lost their strength.A shingles rash can be spotted by its red, pus-filled blisters.

When it does, it can affect your facial nerves.Prompt treatment of Ramsay Hunt syndrome can reduce the risk of complications, which can include permanent facial muscle weakness and deafness.Facial weakness or paralysis may cause one corner of your mouth to droop.

"Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. When you have Ramsay Hunt syndrome, the rash may be inside, outside, or around the ear.

Damage can cause constant corneal irritation or permanent (although usually minor) vision loss.If Ramsay Hunt syndrome damages any of your facial nerves, you might also feel pain, even after you don’t have the condition anymore.

As a result of this infection, the facial nerve becomes inflamed and irritated. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is mainly seen in adults, particularly in people over 60 years of age, but it may rarely be seen in children.

Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox (varicella zoster virus, or VZV).

In some cases, the rash can also appear in your mouth, especially on the roof of your mouth or top of your throat. It is the name given to describe the symptoms of a shingles infection affecting the facial nerve. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is defined as an acute peripheral facial neuropathy associated with erythematous vesicular rash of the skin of the ear canal, auricle (also termed herpes zoster oticus), and/or mucous membrane of the oropharynx.

The general varicella-zoster virus also causes chicken pox, which is most common in children. In other cases, you may not have a visible rash at all, but still have some paralysis in your face.Other common symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome include:Ramsay Hunt syndrome isn’t contagious on its own, but it does mean you have the shingles virus.

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is rare in children.Ramsay Hunt syndrome isn't contagious. All rights reserved.

With this syndrome, facial paralysis is noticeable on the side of the face that’s affected by the shingles rash. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. 12% of peripheral facial nerve palsies are attributable to Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is the second most common cause of … Antihistamines can help with vertigo symptoms, such as dizziness or feeling like the room is spinning. A painful red rash with fluid-filled blisters on, in and around one ear 2. Ramsay Hunt syndrome happens when shingles affects nerves in your face close to either one of your ears.

Eye drops or similar fluids can help keep your eye lubricated and prevent cornea damage.You can treat a shingles rash at home by keeping the rash clean and using a cold compress to minimize pain. There has been a case report of varicella infection in utero and presentation in infancy with this syndrome.

Sometimes the rash never materializes.If you have Ramsay Hunt syndrome, you might also experience: 1. A shingles vaccine for people age 50 or older also is recommended.Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products.

In addition to the painful shingles rash, Ramsay Hunt syndrome can cause facial paralysis and hearing loss in the affected ear.Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After chickenpox clears up, the virus still lives in your nerves. These include:The most common treatments for Ramsay Hunt syndrome are medications that treat the virus infection. Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) is a complication of shingles. All rights reserved.

Getting children vaccinated when they’re young can help prevent chicken pox outbreaks from ever happening. The incidence and severity increase with age. However, reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus can cause chickenpox in people who haven't previously had chickenpox or been vaccinated for it. Early treatment can help make sure you don’t experience any complications from Ramsay Hunt syndrome.The most visible symptoms of Ramsay Hunt syndrome are a shingles rash near one or both ears and abnormal paralysis in the face.

If you don't use any eye drops or lubrication, it’s possible to damage the surface of the eye, called the cornea. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only.

As a result, your eye may get extremely dry. If you’ve had chicken pox in your life, the virus can reactivate later in your life and cause shingles. It's more common in older adults, typically affecting people older than 60.