java return word

When a method uses a class name as its return type, such as whosFastest does, the class of the type of the returned object must be either a subclass of, or the exact class of, the return type.

When a return statement is reached in a method, the program returns to the code that invoked it. And if that is never the case, why bother with return at all? In case there are two words of maximum length return the word which comes first in the sentence. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)How do I assign keyboard shortcut to JTabbedPane tabs? If the method doesn’t return a value, specify void.

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return can be used with methods in two ways: Methods returning a value : For methods that define a return type, return statement must be immediately followed by return value.

Don’t stop learning now. 2. Why can’t we just leave it and have the method automatically return whatever value is obtained by the instructions in the block that is the method body? It is used to exit from a method, with or without a value. A method can return a value or reference type or does not return a value. It is used to exit from the method. Write a Program which finds the longest word from a sentence.

Java return Keyword. Were is it useful for a method NOT to return something? By using our site, you To return a value to the caller method. Java return keyword is used to complete the execution of a method.

Your program should read a sentence as input from user and return the longest word. To stop the program execution. A method can return a value or reference type or does not return a value.

return statement can be used at various places in the method but we need to ensure that it must be the last statement to get executed in a method.Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.Attention reader! Input and Output Format: Typically return is the last statement of a program.

The return keyword is used to return from a method when its execution is complete.

This value depends on the method return type like int method always return an integer value.

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More Examples Tip: Use the void keyword to specify that a method should not have a return … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. return-type: After the word static comes the return type, which indicates whether the method returns a value when it is called — and if so, what type the value is.

Points to remember.

return is a reserved keyword in Java i.e, we can’t use it as an identifier. New in Java 9: return: Finished the …

Why not have it be implied.I am a programmer, a runner, a recreational diver, currently live in the island of

The return followed by the appropriate value that is returned to the caller. The return keyword finished the execution of a method, and can be used to return a value from a method. return keyword can be used in two ways.

Specifies required libraries inside a module. acknowledge that you have read and understood our If a method does not return a value, the method must be declared void and it doesn’t need to contain a If a method declare to return a value, then it must use the Different Types of Methods Declaration based on Return type and Arguments: I don’t get what the use of return is.