item build smite

[columns] Browse Susano pro builds, top builds and guides. Please keep this in mind while reading. [table bgcolor=#730808][tr] Travelers ShoesTravelers ShoesTravelers ShoesTravelers ShoesTravelers ShoesTravelers ShoesTravelers Shoes

Some gods can self heal and can go without Most mid laners will need some method of health sustain during the laning phase. Items cost Gold to purchase, and they can be sold back for 66% of the original cost. Keeping this guide up to date is going to take a lot of work, so I encourage you to help out and comment if anything is incorrect or outdated. For example, ADCs typically build pure damage, as well as lifesteal, Building the aesthetic for this guide took quite a long time. This is all the other stuff I've done in regard to smite/smitefireThanks for posting this. Your source for all things Smite builds and the current meta. [table bgcolor=#CC0000][tr] While gameplay and testing provided a lot of the resources needed to assemble this guide, I drew from many other sources of information as well. [td width=658 padding=2 bgcolor=#9E0B0B]
The only true alternatives at the moment of this writing are As mentioned in the core section, ADCs are very limited in what they can build.

Can be used on supports as a means to help clear camps and guarantee early objectives ie: gold fury, or even late objectives if your team lacks a strong nuke.

At first glance, the solo lane appears to be very similar to the mid lane; in short it is not. Both offensive and defensive supports should try to build in some Mid laners' actives are essentially there to fill in what their passives and kits cannot.

Very informative without to over explaining t=things to the point where new players cant understand it.oooff I was just going through updating things and I still missed all that >wFor any god that you're creating a build for, there are certain stats that cannot be ignored.

Create and share God Guides and Builds. The role of the traditional support is first and foremost to provide the most utility to their team as possible, bolstering their allies power and defenses, reducing their enemies, protecting their allies and enfeebling their enemies with CC, setting allies up for kills, being the tank at the center of each fight and healing their allies if possible. An important aspect to consider when making a god's build is how well rounded they are, whether or not they have struck a balance between damage, survivability and utility. Generally this is pretty straightforward, build items like Typically mid laners choose actives that give them more survivability since they want to invest most of their build into offense, thus Happy smiting ~ Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. [table bgcolor=#570606][tr] Solo laners need to have the most flexible builds in the game since they will typically be in lane against a single opponent more than any other role.

To do this, you must build your passive items with the maximum attack power possible and reserve your active slots for allowing you to escape enemy attacks and ganks. [/columns]