Getting involved in other people's business tends to annoy Isabela, so helping a character just for the sake of helping and not asking for a reward will often earn her ire. If Zevran or Leliana are in the party, they can also help the Warden to win, but will only offer assistance if their approval is high enough. She threatens Isabela with the She reveals that her mother was a Qunari convert who sold Isabela to Luis because she refused to convert. The only exception, however, is the lucrative business of slave trade. Claudio insists that Isabela was not good enough for her late husband, Luis, and that she is trying to seduce Alistair to become Queen of Ferelden. I did it for you. She likes jokes, flirting and Hawke trying to squeeze a little extra coin out of the people they help or solving problems in particularly clever and devious ways, but in direct interactions with her, being kind rather than irreverent gains the most approval. Isabela’s growing displeasure made her bold, and she sent back Luis’s gifts, rearranged the furniture in her bedroom with every chair facing the walls and showed up to dinner wearing men’s trousers. Prior to this, Sten/the Arishok tells Alistair and Isabela the Qunari version of the myth of King Afterwards, Isabela leaves her ship for destinations unknown. Hawke reluctantly allows Isabela to proceed with the deal, earning her a new ship. Known for her promiscuity and piracy, Isabela holds little respect for laws and considers monetary gain the only reason to embark on an adventure. If Hawke has engaged in a rivalry romance and told her to keep the ship, she will admit regretting to do so. After a year, Isabela began to deliberately antagonize him, thinking he'd let her go. She then tells her that her birth name was Naishe but it isn't anymore. She lost her ship, crew, and the relic. Another thing to note is that in some cases, Isabela will also respond well to Hawke's decision to not get involved at all in matters of no immediate concern to Hawke or their companions. The enraged Rasaan didn’t care anymore to convert Isabela, believing that the solution is only her death. She then tells her that her birth name was Niashe but it isn’t anymore. Rasaan eventually returns to Isabela’s cell and repeatedly demands Isabela to tell her true name. It didn’t take long for Madam Hari to convert to the However, two days later, Hari sold Isabela into marriage with a wealthy business associate of the Isabela initially enjoyed the first months of her life with Luis. It is known that she spent this time honing her fighting skills and learning to navigate, all the while building a reputation as a female raider without match, as likely to bed you as shank you. Butting in to personal discussions, disagreements, and the like will sometimes irk Isabela. While she enjoys her freedom and is hesitant at pursuing a serious romance, the indelible charm and true care of Garrett Hawke eventually turns Isabela into a loving and caring woman. Isabela ist eine Piratin durch und durch; trinkfest, charmant, wortgewandt und immer interessiert, wenn es heißt Profit zu machen oder jede Menge… She especially loves dark corners, where she might have a quick risqué scene with one of the patrons. Even Zevran, the assassin contracted to kill Luis, does not know who it was. Known for her promiscuity and piracy, Isabela holds little respect for laws and considers monetary gain the only reason to embark on an adventure. He learns more about Isabela and she tells him the circumstances of her past: her mother sold her into marriage to her husband for a goat and some gold coins against her will. The young Isabela took to dishonesty quickly. When Luis’s death was discovered in the morning, Isabela was already gone. Three years later, Isabela asks for Hawke’s help again in her plot to lure Castillon into a trap and blackmail him to stop hunting her and give her his ship. Wicked Grace and Diamond Back are her favorite card games, and she is adept at turning the tide in her favor. Isabela smiles and warmly embraces him, officially solidifying their relationship. Realizing that his young wife was completely out of hand, Luis resolved to get rid of her. If Isabela is romanced by On the same night, she left the house with nothing but two daggers (given by Zevran, who carried seven on his person) and a sack full of jewelry she used to bribe sailors into helping her commandeer the To beat Isabela in the card game, the Warden will have to be dexterous enough to catch her cheating or subtle enough to cheat. Hawke and his companions agree to help Isabela escort her to meet Hayder, an enforcer of Castillon whom she worked with in As a result of the flirtatious banter between Hawke and Isabela, she approaches Hawke in his estate and the two have sex. Like most people of Rivain, Isabela has dark skin with amber eyes and dark hair. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Isabela captains the ship she and her companions use to escape Velabanchel, later navigating through the While leaving the swamps following their meeting with Yavana in the The trio are captured by the Qunari and are moved to a Qunari war camp, Rasaan eventually returns to Isabela's cell and repeatedly demands from Isabela to tell her her true name. She used the jewelry to bribe some sailors into helping her commandeer the The next day, Isabela found herself using her untested knife skills in a duel with a man she has only referred to as the Jackdaw, someone with contacts in the Isabela spent years as a raider, the captain of one ship in the vast network of vessels that composed the Felicisima Armada. She is shown to be a hedonist, both cunning and deceptive, and is capable of almost cheating anyone out of their last coin. Isabela was the first romance option announced for both male and female It is possible to pursue a romance through proper dialogue in Act 2 and eventually solidify it in the final moments of Act 3. Around this time, she met Realizing that his young wife was out of control, Luis resolved to get rid of her. Isabela also reveals that she has only truly loved someone once, a man of unknown name, but she fled after he asked for her hand and broke his heart in the end. She worked as a smuggler, transporting Once she had the relic her ship was wrecked in a storm. However, like Fenris, Isabela will not move into the If Isabela is romancing Hawke she will return at the end of Act 2 with the Tome of Koslun.