influenza usa 2018

Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Nationally, mortality attributed to P&I exceeded 10.0% for four consecutive weeks, peaking at 10.8% during the week ending January 20, 2018.On 10 February 2018, officials in New York City confirmed the third pediatric flu death for the 2017–2018 season. ILI peaked at 7.5%, the highest percentage since the 2009 flu pandemic, which peaked at 7.7%. However, death certificate data during the 2018–2019 season were not available at the time of estimation. This ratio is based on data from prior seasons, which may not be accurate if patterns of care-seeking have changed.Fourth, our estimate of influenza-associated deaths relies on information about location of death from death certificates. What was the 2017-2018 flu season like? 31.01.2018, 19:54 Uhr. Influenza, commonly known as "the flu", is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. The predominant strain of influenza was H3N2. Durante la temporada de influenza 2017-2018, el porcentaje de muertes atribuido a la neumonía y la influenza se mantuvo o estuvo por encima del nivel de epidemia durante 16 semanas consecutivas. Final case counts may differ slightly as further data cleaning from the 2018–2019 season are conducted by FluSurv–NET sites.

From the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionpage called "Disease Burden of Influenza": "Each year CDC estimates the burden of influenza in the U.S. CDC uses modeling to estimate the number of influenza illnesses, medical visits, flu-associated hospitalizations, and flu-associated deaths that occur in the U.S. in a given season. This system provides an overall indication of whether flu-associated deaths are elevated, but does not provide an exact number of how many people died from flu.During the 2017-2018 season, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was at or above the epidemic threshold for 16 consecutive weeks. In total, the season lasted 21 weeks. The majority of the influenza viruses collected from the United States during the 2017-2018 flu season were characterized antigenically and genetically as being similar to the cell-grown reference viruses representing the 2017–18 Northern Hemisphere influenza vaccine viruses.To receive weekly email updates about Seasonal Flu, enter your email address:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Saisonale Influenza : Grippewelle trifft USA härter als Europa. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.Total flu fatalities during the most recent season included the deaths of 180 children, which exceeds the previous record high of 171 during a non-pandemic flu season, according to the CDC. In Kalifornien werden Patienten in Zelten isoliert, weil dort aggressive Influenzaviren kursieren.

She added, "across the board, last year was definitely bad.

The methods used to calculate these estimates are described on CDC’s webpage, How CDC Estimates the Bur… Influenza-like illness (ILI) was at or above the national baseline for 19 weeks, making the 2017-2018 season one of the longest in recent years.While flu deaths in children are reported to CDC, flu deaths in adults are not nationally notifiable. "She said "kids are more likely to be immunized if their parents are" adding everyone 6 months and older should get a flu shot, which is the recommendation of the CDC.Adams noted that a variety of vaccines have been officially approved this year, including nasal mist, and that they are widely available, including in doctor's offices, local pharmacies, some work places and even certain groceries stores.Overall, the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine for last season was estimated to be 40%. 2017-2018* 45,000,000 (39,000,000 – 58,000,000) 21,000,000 …

In the year 1900, influenza and pneumonia caused around 202 deaths per 100,000 population in the United States. When flu strikes during pregnancy, there's a greater likelihood of hospitalization for the mother-to-be, she said. However, influenza B viruses became more commonly reported than influenza A viruses in early March 2018 through May 2018.Flu vaccine is produced by private manufacturers, so The overall vaccine effectiveness (VE) of the 2017-2018 flu vaccine against both influenza A and B viruses is estimated to be 40%. Protection by virus type and subtype was: 25% against A(H3N2), 65% against A(H1N1) and 49% against influenza B viruses.