icloud selektive synchronisation

When you approach the 1tb offering then I think Apple needs to look at iCloud as a secondary storage AND sync solution.

User profile for user: Let's hope it's on their short list of upcoming features and not something they left out intentionally "so as to not confuse newbies".

Till they get this, I'll stick with my dropbox Office 365 combo. Bin nun durch Google doch fündig geworden.

Does anyone know if the new update on 9/30 will include selective sync?

Some of it is backup of my virtual machines. I've dropped that down to 50gb instead and will be primarily using the photo sync feature. Not only does iCloud drive not have selective sync but uploading photos to iCloud does not work either. Now you can get the files from your Mac Desktop and your Documents folder on all of your devices with iCloud Drive.Store your Desktop and Documents folder in iCloud Drive and access them on all your devices. I guess dropBox it is still. User profile for user: A folder is created with the same name as your second Mac.If you want to store your files in iCloud Drive and another cloud storage service, you can keep copies of your files in both, but you can't keep folders from a third-party cloud service in iCloud Drive. May 8, 2015 4:16 AM in response to ChrisBrocklesby B60boy

Only one mac has over 1tb of storage as the system disk, the iMac. This is the kind of thing that can be easily added on if enough people complains about it because it doesn't make any sense with SSDs of less than 200Gb... Selective sync explained. Note: The selective sync settings you choose are unique to each computer and don’t affect the other computers you use with Dropbox.

In response to macprestonpans In the meantime various processes relating to photo/video upload/conversion are running which are using up to 140% of CPU and making the fans come on permanently.I contacted Apple support and they were really great. After accepting that your files will be deleted from local storage, exit the iCloud app.Restart your computer, sign back into iCloud for Windows, and then enable iCloud Drive and any other iCloud services that you use.Apple also has a Microsoft Store version of iCloud for Windows. I managed to upload all my files (56 GB) and backups etc.

Note: The selective sync settings you choose are unique to each computer and don’t affect the other computers you use with Dropbox. Wir zeigen, wie Sie die selektive Synchronisation unter Dropbox einstellen, damit Sie mit dem Cloud-Dienst mehr Speicherplatz nutzen können. Then let me favorite files and folders to …

iCloud sync is usually reliable, but sometimes you’ll find contacts, calendar events or other content fails to sync between all your devices in the few seconds it should take. MoisesRuiz I originally subscribed to iCloud with a 1tb / $10 month sub but realized this is overkill without the ability to choose what folders were synced to each machine. Then a young lady tried to help and after 20 mins she passed me over to a senior analyst who spent two hours on the phone with me and we cleaned up my MacBookPro a bit.However, the problem is still not solved and next week I go back to work and do not have time to spend more hours on the phone with Apple so I am going to completely cancel my iCloud Drive subscription because this is a waste of time. Is there a way to selectively sync a folder from iCloud to a device like there is for Google Drive or One Drive? Dec 16, 2015 2:09 AM Dec 16, 2015 2:09 AM in response to MoisesRuiz Try working your way through each fix in the following order, and you most likely should have iCloud Drive up and running soon.The first thing you must do is ensure that iCloud Drive is up and running on your computer — quite important if you just installed iCloud for Windows for the first time.Start by clicking the iCloud icon on the system tray, followed by clicking Open iCloud Settings. Marina

Use a separate Photos library. I rarely use OneDrive though since I prefer Dropbox. Depending on your Internet speed, the time it takes for you to see your files on your other devices might vary.If you're using iOS 9 or iOS 10, you can access your files in the iCloud Drive app.If you turn off iCloud Drive or sign out of iCloud, you have the option to keep a local copy of your files that are in iCloud Drive.