how to play adc guide

It’s especially important when playing ADC considering how much you scale with items, so if you can rush to an early B.F. Teammates may want to scream about not focusing the tank and whatnot, but if that’s the only opponent you can safely attack then do so – don’t overcommit to far into a fight if the enemy team can just collapse onto you and kill you in seconds.A advanced technique to also practice for team fights and general play is attack-moving. THE MARKSMAN’S DEEP-ROOTED ADVANTAGES. So what does that mean? Here you can change your privacy preferences. Then, it might be wise to move around the map or swap with top lane so you can have a numbers advantage there. Farming is the most important for the ADC because they are the team’s damage for the most part. As one of the most item dependent roles in the game, you start off extremely weak and scale up dramatically over the course of a match as you finish important equipment pieces such as Infinity Edge, The Bloodthirster, Blade of the Ruined King and more. Check out our Know whats going on in the League of Legends world in our up to date blog. However, if you focus on the lessons in the Mechanics section and you group with your team then you will do A-okay.All rights reserved.

You can also kite many melee champions this way, applying damage to them while they fail to get in range to deal damage themselves.To help with all of these mechanics, it’s usually best to pick one-to-three ADC champions and play them repeatedly in order to get a strong understanding of how a small few play rather than try to spread yourself across multiple champions. You can also consider taking Dragon if you kill or otherwise frighten off your bot lane opponents. Even as the game progresses, though, you’re still one of the easiest targets to kill, so you’ll need to play safe and use your tankier allies to protect you.That’s especially important to remember when the game opens up and you’re pushing for objectives or looking for team fights. An ADC must always be cautious not to overextend so they are not caught out by the opposing team. League of Legends and Riot Games Inc. are registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Published on: Wednesday, February 19, 2020; How to Play DRAVEN ADC for Beginners | DRAVEN Guide Season 10 | League of Legends is focused on playing Draven and the purpose of this video is to explain the essentials of how to play Draven and why he is a great adc laner to play, if you are into the adc role. Playing ADC is usually straightforward, but in higher ELO games, the way you play ADC matters.

Essentially, this is about dealing more damage to your opponent in a tight window compared to what they can apply to you. ADC’s can make or break a game they can hard carry games but other games they can feel worthless.

It’s one of the ways you can eke out an advantage in lane or suitably weaken a target to set up a kill opportunity with your support.Excelling in team fights as an ADC is all about applying damage to the most important targets that are in a comfortable range while keeping yourself safe from death. Late game is even more difficult when everyone is trying to kill you while keeping a sustained output of damage. Practice the most common ADC mechanics in the game. You need to be focused during the game at all times because your focus can often slip when you are in intense trades, chaotic team fights, and also when you are playing from behind. It all starts with hoovering up that early gold, though, so control the wave so minions aren’t being lost to tower shots and constantly be repositioning yourself to be ready to last hit dying minions.If you’re partnered with a support who can catch opponents such as Thresh or Pyke then looking for kills can be a viable strategy too.

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For the majority of games, it will be up to you to secure objectives, win team fights and carry your team.This guide will be a detailed guide on the important mechanics you need to master, and also the general knowledge you need to have to play ADC.

Remember to Like, Comment & Subscribe! The Cornucopia of Extremely Helpful Guideshath returned. This guide will also assume you have played the tutorials and know how to find the bottom lane.The pressure on the ADC role is immense being expected to do the most damage in the game while being the squishiest on the team is hard. If you fall behind in CS your damage will suffer substantially. Trying to claim or contest Baron Nashor can often trigger this decisive fight, so be ready to move there if your team or the opponents are looking to kill it.These are some quick and simple tips to remember when playing ADC:Comments on this article are now closed.