holmbury st mary

Further details can always be obtained from the October issue of the Usually a varied programme of choral music, frequently with instrumental support, followed by refreshments. the Leith Hill Musical Festival competition and concert, and a summer concert.The Holmbury St Mary Horticultural Society organises the Holmbury Playgroup is held in St. Mary's Church Room Mon-Fri 9-12 am. Set in 4,000 acres of woodland, the hostel is perfect to use as a woodland escape or as a base to visit the bright lights of London. This website is being developed and maintained in association with the Holmbury St Mary Parish News. Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday. A message from Revd David Grundy, Associate MinisterWelcome to our church website. For information on how to obtain further details see the entry for the Holmbury St Mary Parish News A popular event that is organised by and raises funds for The Holmbury Bonfire Boys, who provide financial support for needy causes in and around the village. applications.For assistance or information please contact It will be a humid and milder night with light southerly winds. Another dry day is expected on Sunday with plenty of sunshine, thanks to high pressure centred over the North Sea. in the village. Whatever your situation and wherever you are, we wish you all the best and God's richest blessing,St Mary's, the parish church of Holmbury St Mary, is a beautiful place to seek & know God. Taken over in 2017 by Nigel Osborne, a successful business man, a lot of time and money has been invested in the business. Holmbury St Marys Garage is well respected in the area boasting over 50 years in the game! If this is a concern, please … Belmont School (adj) 22 Felday Houses (opp) 545 599 Felday Houses (adj) 22 545 599 Holmbury Hill Road (opp) 22 545 599 Holmbury Hill Road (adj) 545 599 Horsham Road (SW-bound) 22 599 Horsham Road (NE-bound) 545 599 Miles Hill (S-bound) 545 599 Miles Hill (N-bound) 545 599 Pasture Wood Road (E-bound) 22 Pitland Street (adj) 545 599 Ps 143: 8Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path            Ps 119: 105The pandemic of 2020 has created so much uncertainty and it doesn’t matter who you are there is in all of us an element of  doubt about where the future is leading us and exactly what lies ahead not just for us in the UK but worldwide.The verses I’ve chosen for this reflection have a wonderful certainty about them and the words can surely give us reassurance that, no matter what, the way ahead will have God in it. Mullard Space Science LaboratoryThe Mullard Space Science Laboratory is undertakes at least three concert programmes a year: a Christmas Concert,

drawing its membership from Holmbury St Mary itself and from the whole region of Please use this page to tell everyone about what is going on in Holmbury, events etc. this page, or contribute to the development of this website in any way, please contact us by email at DISCLAIMER: Information is published here with the permission of the organisations and individuals concerned, free of charge and entirely at the risk of the organisations and individuals to which the information relates. There are generally copies of the current issue of the Parish News for sale at the back of the church.All editorial and advertising enquiries to the editor, Sally Frost, email Visitors to our church will find a lively worshipping community, services that offer a mixture of both the traditional and the modern, and a warm welcome for both young and old alike.

We perform an extensive repertoire ranging from traditional choral works to modern-day American music, spirituals and more. shelters and most seats. Belmont School, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking Surrey RH5 6LQ (Sat Nav: RH5 6LH) Telephone: School Office: 01306 730852 Bursar: 01306 737852 Catering: 01306 737858. Services on most Sundays are at 9.30 am, except on the first Sunday of the month when there is a family Funday Worship at 10.30 amContact: David Grundy, Associate Minister, telephone 01306 731142, email Formed in 2010 by the amalgamation of Abinger Common First School and Westcott First School.We are a local group meeting on the first Wednesday each The Council is also a statutory consultee for all planning The choir usually As we start to reopen the building for worship, we will continue to provide services online every Sunday, using the sermon, hymns, prayers and readings from the service in the church that day, and on July 19th, we will also host the second of our newly formed monthly 'Christian Mindfulness' sessions on Zoom.