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not giving pleasure to the mind or senses Find another word for terrible. SINCE 1828. '..., He's not a bad chap

Bade: to issue orders to (someone) by right of authority. '

Mood: a state of mind dominated by a particular emotion. LOG IN; REGISTER; …

Synonyms: adjured, bossed (around), charged… Antonyms: minded, obeyed… Find the right word. Synonyms: bastard, bush, bush-league… Antonyms: acceptable, adequate, all right… Find the right word.

My Bad synonyms.

Synonyms: bad, bastard, bush… Antonyms: acceptable, adequate, all right… Find the right word. SINCE 1828.


Verwendung von Synonymen.

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not conforming to a high moral standard; morally unacceptable What are synonyms for bad? What are synonyms for bad? Synonyms for bad mood include bad humor, bad temper, huff, mood, sulk, temper, pet, paddy, fit of pique and snit. I only started this book yesterday.

EXPLORE . erroneous, fallacious, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, low-rentdamaging, dangerous, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, hurtful, injurious, ruinous, unhealthybase, corrupt, criminal, delinquent, evil, immoral, mean, sinful, vile, villainous, wicked, wrongdecayed, mouldy, off, putrid, rancid, rotten, sour, spoileddisastrous, distressing, grave, harsh, painful, serious, severe, terribleapologetic, conscience-stricken, contrite, guilty, regretful, remorseful, sad, sorry, upsetadverse, discouraged, discouraging, distressed, distressing, gloomy, grim, low, melancholy, troubled, troubling, unfortunate, unpleasantagreeable, beneficial, good, healthful, safe, sound, wholesomeethical, fine, first-rate, good, moral, righteous, virtuousacrimony, anger, animosity, antagonism, dislike, enmity, feud, hatred, ill feeling, ill will, malevolence, malice, rancour, resentment, seeing redboorishness, churlishness, coarseness, discourtesy, disrespect, impoliteness, incivility, inconsideration, indelicacy, rudeness, unmannerlinesscivility, cordiality, courteousness, courtesy, good manners, graciousness, politeness, urbanityangry, cantankerous, choleric, crabbed, cross, crotchetygrumbling, huffy, ill-tempered, irascible, irritable, liverish, peevish, petulant, querulous, rattyaffable, amiable, cheerful, genial, good-humoured, good-tempered, happy, pleasant, sanguineEnglish Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & ThesaurusSomething that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable.The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing..., We have been going through a bad time..., I've had a bad day at work..., Divorce is bad for children..., Analysts fear the situation is even worse than the leadership admits.You use bad to indicate that something unpleasant or undesirable is severe or great in degree.He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming..., This was a bad case of dangerous driving..., The pain is often so bad she wants to scream..., The floods are described as the worst in nearly fifty years.A bad idea, decision, or method is not sensible or not correct.Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea..., Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions..., That's not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different..., The worst thing you can do is underestimate an opponent.If you describe a piece of news, an action, or a sign as bad, you mean that it is unlikely to result in benefit or success.The closure of the project is bad news for her staff..., It was a bad start in my relationship with Warr..., The report couldn't have come at a worse time for the European Commission.Something that is bad is of an unacceptably low standard, quality, or amount.Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing..., The state schools' main problem is that teachers' pay is so bad..., It was absolutely the worst food I have ever had.Someone who is badat doing something is not skilful or successful at it.He had increased Britain's reputation for being bad at languages..., He was a bad driver..., Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother.If you say that it is bad that something happens, you mean it is unacceptable, unfortunate, or wrong.Not being able to hear doesn't seem as bad as not being able to see..., You need at least ten pounds if you go to the cinema nowadaysit's really bad.You can say that something is not bad to mean that it is quite good or acceptable, especially when you are rather surprised about this.`How much is he paying you?

having a fault …

having no legal or binding force How do you use terrible in a sentence? Hier findest Du Wörter mit einer ähnlichen Bedeutung wie Bad.