Check your booking confirmation email to find your booking number and PIN If you don’t book a flexible rate, you may not be entitled to a refund. Super! You'll receive an email as soon as the property answers your question. “Super Lage in der Natur mich Ausblick ins Grüne. Double-check the maximum capacity for the room you selected.All cribs and extra beds are subject to availability. „Family-run hotel in the 3rd generation, located in the very center of the city, with Italian Family restaurant chain and pedestrian zone only 50m away.” Your question will be published on after it's approved and answered. Es hat an nichts gefehlt.
Am Bieberbach 11. Please inform Ferienhaus Heymann of your expected arrival time in advance. Et très bien accueillis.” The nearest airport is Rostock-Laage Airport, 41.8 km from Ferienhaus Heymann. Überbleibende Lebensmittel werden unmittelbar der Tafel zur Verfügung gestellt. A desk and a flat-screen TV with satellite channels come as standard.Breakfast is provided every morning in the homelike breakfast room, and includes fresh rolls, jams, cheeses, meats and muesli.Hotel Heymann is within a 5-minute walk of Kaiserlautern’s Pfalztheater (theatre) and the Japanese Garden.
Wir waren rundum zufrieden.”“Es war alles da ,was Mann brauchte ,nette Vermieter und Natur pur ,richtig zum Ausspannen ”“Wat een super plek... Genoten van de ruimte en de rust. These cookies are used to display personalized ads both on and other sites. Reisimine võib olla lubatud vaid teatud eesmärkidel, mille hulka ei pruugi kuuluda turismireisid. Kui broneerisid majutuse kaudu, saad kirjutada arvustuse. Saad kirjutada arvustuse vaid kuni 28 päeva pärast oma peatumist. Samuti pakume selget teavet saadetud sisu staatuse kohta.Pärast arvustuse esitamist saad seda muuta klienditeenindusega ühendust võttes.Samad juhised ja standardid kehtivad nii kasutaja loodud sisule kui majutusasutuste vastustele.Laseme hinnangutel enda eest kõneleda ning me ei töötle neid mingil viisil. Töötajad järgivad kohalike võimude kõiki tervisenõudeid Sehr zuvorkommende und freundliche Gastgeber. We were arriving later than the reception stays open. Kein Strassenlärm nur Gezwitscher von Vögel. You can find more detailed info on cookie use and descriptions in our Me kontrollime kõikide arvustuste ehtsuse üle ning selle, et seal poleks pahatahtlikke ega solvavaid sõnu ja seejärel lisame need veebisaidile.Kui broneerisite meie kaudu ja soovite arvustust jätta, siis palun logige kõigepealt sisse. Write a full question containing a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 300 characters, and don't share any personal info.
Questions and answers should be property- or room-related. Vaadake tärnide arvu, et leida peatumiseks sobiv majutusasutus!Suurepärane kahele reisijale.
Super! Majutusüksustes ja ühiskasutatavatel aladel on käte desinfitseerimisvahend We use this info to improve our site and services. „The owners’ service and friendliness!
If you stayed at this property through, you can write a review. Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to apartment type. When you are working on the development of new products, you do not realize that 80% of the costs are already defined in the design stage. Hotel in city centre with car parking place at resonable price.” In each room there is a green apple for the guest and I find the attention delicate (I love apples).
Sisseregistreerimisel tuleb külastajatel esitada kehtiv fotoga isikut tõendav dokument ja krediitkaart. Your cancellation request will be handled by the property, based on your chosen policy and consumer law where applicable. Alates 6. aprillist 2020 kehtib olenemata koroonaviirusest sinu valitud tühistamisreegel. See on sõltumatu kolmanda osapoole Hotelstars Unioni poolt majutusasutusele antud ametlik tärnide hulk. The room was comfortable and spotless. That way we can improve our website, apps, and communications, and make sure we're interesting and relevant.
It generally suits our customers best when we solve emerging problems remotely and efficiently. We're sorry, but there was an error submitting your comment.
Cookies that measure how our site is used. Pärast koristamist on majutusüksused kuni külastajate saabumiseni suletud Kes muu oskaks teistele reisijatele rääkida tasuta hommikusöögist, sõbralikust personalist või vaiksest toast, kui keegi, kes on seda kõike ise kogenud.Tahame teie kogemust, olgu siis head või halba, ka teistega jagada. In each room there is a green apple for the guest and I find the attention delicate (I love apples).
Hotel Heymann aktsepteerib neid kaarte ja jätab endale õiguse enne sinu saabumist sinu kaardilt ajutiselt teatud summa blokeerida.
They aren't officially traders (i.e. Asukoht ja mugavused, mis sobivad neile, kes reisivad kahekesi Very nice breakfast, nicely presented. All we ask is that you follow a few simple guidelines.We believe review contributions and property responses will highlight a wide range of opinions and experiences, which is critical in helping guests make informed decisions about where to stay.Contributions to are a reflection of the dedication of our guests and properties, so we treat them with the utmost respect.Whether negative or positive, we'll post every comment in full, as quickly as possible, after it's moderated to comply with guidelines. We check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site.If you booked through us and want to leave a review, please sign in first. This property is managed by a private host. Man kann beliebig nachbestellen. Nii saame kindlad olla, et arvustused tulevad reaalsetelt külastajatelt, kes on majutusasutuses päriselt peatunud.Kui külastajad peatuvad majutusasutuses, nad vaatavad, kui vaikne on tuba, kui sõbralik on majutusasutuse personal jne.Pärast oma reisi räägivad külastajad meile, milline oli nende peatumine. During times of uncertainty, we recommend booking an option with free cancellation. Groter dan verwacht.