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He said that he frequently would leave in the middle of a film screening to go home because films often bored him.

Calls himself a filmmaker. Guy Debord (also known as "Debord Guy") was born in In the early 1960s Debord began to direct the SI toward an end of its artistic phase, eventually expelling members such as Jorn, Gallizio, Troche, and Constant—the bulk of the "artistic" wing of the SI—by 1965. As a matter of fact, his film Later, through the financial support of Michèle Bernstein and Asger Jorn, Debord produced a second film, Bourseiller, Christophe. Der französische Intellektuelle und Marxist Guy Debord gehörte zu den Gründungsmitgliedern der 1957 im italienischen Alba ins Leben gerufenen revolutionären Situationistischen Internationale (SI). Having established the situationist critique of art as a social and political critique, one not to be carried out in traditional artistic activities, the SI began, due in part to Debord's contributions, to pursue a more concise theoretical critique of capitalist society along Marxist lines.

Da die SI die Theorie der „industriellen“, in Massen produzierten Kunst und den damit verbundenen Konsumismus ablehnte, konzentrierte sich das künstlerische Schaffen ihrer Anhänger nicht mehr auf die Produktion von spezifischen Objekten, sondern folgte einer allgemeinen Kritik der kapitalistischen Struktur. Member of the Situationist International, of which he was one of the founders in 1957. Guy Debord's best known works are his theoretical books, The Society of the Spectacle and Comments on the Society of the Spectacle. Aus dieser Anti-Haltung entstand eine frühe Form der Popkultur, die besonders im Pariser Mai 1968 auf die Strasse getragen wurde. In addition to these he wrote a number of autobiographical books including Mémoires, Panégyrique, Cette Mauvaise Réputation..., and Considérations sur l'assassinat de Gérard Lebovici. He continued to correspond on political and other issues, notably with Lebovici and the Italian situationist Just before Debord's death, he filmed (although did not publish) a documentary, Debord's suicide is as controversial as it is unclear.On 29 January 2009, fifteen years after his death, Guy Debord's best known works are his theoretical books, The Situationist International (SI), a political/artistic movement organized by Debord and his colleagues and represented by a journal of the same name, attempted to create a series of strategies for engaging in class struggle by reclaiming individual autonomy from the spectacle. "Vie et Mort de Guy Debord". He was also the author of numerous short pieces, sometimes anonymous, for the journals Potlatch, Les Lèvres Nues, Les Chats Sont Verts, and Internationale Situationniste. Debord se ma, Paulette Rossi, het Guy gestuur om saam met sy ouma by haar familie-villa in Italië te bly. Guy Debord 1931-1994 "Guy DEBORD. Guy Debord wurde 1931 in Paris geboren. Debord se pa, Martial, was 'n apteker wat weens siekte gesterf het toe Debord nog jonk was. Guy Debord (ook bekend as "Debord Guy") is in 1931 in Parys gebore. In seinem Hauptwerk Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels (1967) entwickelte er eine Theorie des Spektakels : „Das Spektakel ist das Kapital in einem solchen Grad der Akkumulation , dass es zum Bild wird.“ Internationale Situationniste No. Er gilt als Begründer der "Situationistischen Internationale", die radikal gegen jede Form der etablierten Kunst opponierte. Werke von Guy Debord … Guy-Ernest Debord war ein französischer Autor, Filmemacher, Künstler und Revolutionär sowie einflussreiches Gründungsmitglied der Situationistischen Internationale.

Debord recounted that, during his youth, he was allowed to do very little other than attend films. November 1994 beging Debord, der zuletzt stark unter den Auswirkungen einer lebenslangen Trinksucht litt, in seinem Haus in Champot bei Bellevue- la-Montagne Selbstmord. 1932), und der Autor und Künstler Asger Jorn (1914–1973). Guy Debord’s (1931–1994) best-known work, La société du spectacle (The Society of the Spectacle) (1967), is a polemical and prescient indictment … Guy Debord war ein radikaler Kritiker des Kapitalismus und der kapitalistischen Ideologie des Konsumismus, den er als Inszenierung „falscher Bedürfnisse“ anprangert. Often, it is suggested that Debord was opposed to the creation of art, however, Debord writes in the Situationist International magazine ("Contre le Cinema") that he believes that "ordinary" (quotidian) people should make "everyday" (quotidian) art; art and creation should liberate from the Debord began an interest in film early in his life when he lived in Cannes in the late 1940s. These strategies, including "Debord has been the subject of numerous biographies, works of fiction, artworks, and songs, many of which are catalogued in the bibliography by Shigenobu Gonzalves, "Guy Debord ou la Beauté du Negatif."

In 1972, Debord disbanded the Situationist International after its original members, including After dissolving the Situationist International, Debord spent his time reading, and occasionally writing, in relative isolation in a cottage at Champot with Alice Becker-Ho, his second wife.