großer kurfürst ww2

A two-point turn to port would alter the ships' course by 22.5 degrees. Großer Kurfürst — German Tier X battleship. The staff also prepared a second design, "Scheme B" (H-40B), which retained the fourth turret and accepted a much higher displacement. Her deck armor is also quite substantial at 50mm along the center meaning that long range plunging fire from low caliber guns will have difficulty penetrating her. Grosser Kurfürst was armed … The design staff determined that modifications to the ammunition hoists and loading equipment could be easily done and that the original turrets could be retained. Her 406mm guns have a better reload rate than those found on Finally, her size also betrays her as she is remarkably easy to hit and has one of the largest turn radii out of all Tier X battleships at over a kilometer. Both of her guns are rather inaccurate at long range, becoming deadly only once they pass the mid range for battleships of ~11km. The ship was fitted with triple main turrets designed at the outbreak of World War II. The project was developed based on combat experience and featured powerful torpedo protection, enhanced horizontal armor and more advanced AA guns.Due to her size she possesses an effective array of secondaries along with two pairs of guns — the same caliber as her predecessor Her AA is fairly typical of other German battleships, with an adequate long range punch that sadly does not follow through as planes come closer to the ship itself.
In this case, the L/50 gun is 50 German warships were ordered under provisional names. Following the completion of a new, larger dock at the Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, work would also be done there. The 1940 designs did not form part of the design chain that resulted in the H-41 through H-44 designs. One of the 15 cm turrets on Bismarck, the same type as would have been mounted on the H class. The ship covered a minelaying operation on 11–12 September off On 24–25 April, Hipper's battlecruisers conducted another Shortly before 16:00 the battlecruisers of I Scouting Group encountered the British 1st Battlecruiser Squadron under the command of By 20:00, the German line was ordered to turn eastward to disengage from the British fleet, commanded by Admiral The heavy fire of the British fleet forced Scheer to order the fleet to turn away; this turn reversed the order of the fleet and placed her toward the end of the line.The High Seas Fleet managed to punch through the British light forces without drawing the attention of Jellicoe's battleships, and subsequently reached Horns Reef by 04:00 on 1 June.Unit training with III Squadron followed from 21 October to 2 November. The increased size of the ships would have lengthened the building time from four to five years. With her large hit point pool — the second largest in the game — she will be able to weather a large amount of armor piercing rounds and keep on fighting. However, the Kriegsmarine continued to develop plans and design studies for new battleships.

Planes that make it past the long range armament will have no trouble hitting her due to her large size and abysmal turning circle. From 16th September until October 1944, the area was under constant Allied artillery fire and the guns at Großer Kurfürst were the only ones in the area that could train inland and thereby return Allied artillery fire.

In order to maintain displacement and speed and accommodate the increased weight of the additional armor protection, the design staff drew up an informal design, known as "Scheme A" (H-40A). Indeed, the Construction Office of the OKM sought to disassociate itself from the projects, which they found to be of doubtful merit and unnecessary for German victory.

The ship was fitted with 420mm main guns designed at the outbreak of World War II. The project was developed based on combat experience and featured powerful torpedo protection, enhanced horizontal armor and more advanced AA guns. The OKM was aware that the British had settled on a 40.6 cm gun for the proposed The ships' main armor decks were substantially strengthened: the deck was increased in thickness from 120 mm (4.7 in) to 200 mm (7.9 in) and the sloped armor at the edges was thickened from 150 mm (5.9 in) to 175 mm (6.9 in). The original diesel-only system of the H-39 was replaced by a hybrid diesel and steam turbine arrangement. The British submarine Following the capitulation of Germany in November 1918, most of the High Seas Fleet's ships, under the command of Rear Admiral The fleet remained in captivity during the negotiations that ultimately produced the In Imperial German Navy gun nomenclature, "SK" (Schnelladekanone) denotes that the gun is quick loading, while the L/50 denotes the length of the gun. SMS Grosser Kurfürst was the second battleship of the four-ship König class. These changes resulted in full load displacement increasing to 77,752 long tons (79,000 t) and maximum speed further decreasing to 28 kn (52 km/h; 32 mph).