geistig abwesend synonym

We've got 0 rhyming words for geistig abwesend » What rhymes with geistig abwesend? Your message has now been forwarded to the PONS editorial department. abwesend definition in theGerman definition dictionary from Reverso, abwesend meaning, see also 'abweisend',abweisen',abwechselnd',abwertend', conjugation, German vocabulary What does geistig abwesend mean? Information and translations of geistig abwesend in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. Check spelling and grammar. Look up the German to English translation of geistig abwesend in the PONS online dictionary. You are not signed in. An error has occured. We are using the following form field to detect spammers. In some cases cookies from third parties are also used. Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Also available as App! Please do leave them untouched. Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like geistig abwesend.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. Data Protection Declaration Our free PONS Online Dictionary is also available for iOS, Android and Windows! Over 2,000,000 English Please try again. German-English translations. You can suggest improvements to this PONS entry here: Please try again. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Browse the dictionaries Terms and conditions of use Thank you! Meaning of geistig abwesend. For further information about this subject please refer to the information under  Type Chinese Pinyin syllables to get a list of corresponding Chinese characters. Registration and participation are free!You need to be logged in to use the vocabulary trainer. Therefore, it is incumbent on us, as we benefit spiritually from the material these people produce, to put in place protection to guarantee that their rights will not be usurped by pirates or others. Definition of geistig abwesend in the dictionary. Please sign in or register for free if you want to use this function. The German to English online dictionary.
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Registration and use of the trainer are free of charge We put a lot of love and effort into our project. abwesend sein: Last post 08 Oct 07, 11:02: Für den Anrufbeantworter *Heute ab 13.00h wird das Büro ausnahmsweise nicht besetzt sein, b… 2 Replies: gedanklich abwesend: Last post 04 Jun 09, 11:45: Sie ist gedanklich oft abwesend in der letzten Zeit.

Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Translation for 'abwesend' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations.

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