florian triangle monster

Saffron K. Well-Known Member. We've seen weirder things.

Take a second to look at our There was no deeper meaning to it. Its possible that they were ordered to stay there and guard something, similar to how Zunisha was ordered to walk the seas - If so, it seems logical that it would have been the same person/people that gave Zunisha its orders.I believe that the people/person who gave these orders are tied to the Void Century.This is because the people that gave the orders to Zunisha to walk the ocean, did so to protect the island of Raftel - Zunisha is a constantly moving, untraceable island that hides one of the four road poneglyphs and a race of warriors to protect it.Similarly, the Florian Triangle is a section of the ocean, that is constantly shrouded in fog, with 100s of ships vanishing there every year, and ancient Monsters that are similar in size to Zunisha inhabiting it.Both of them are very hard to find, and even if you were to find them, then you aren’t going to discover whats being hidden - if you manage to get close to finding it, then you won’t to live to tell people about it.Now, thinking about the location of The Florian Triangle (because #GeographyIsEverything)… The Triangle is not far from Sabaody, which is right next to the Red Line… Assuming Raftel is near the end of the New World, then, in theory, it would also be near the red line, except on the exact opposite side of the planet from the Florian Triangle.Why would they order the Florian Monsters to protect the exact opposite side of the planet to Raftel?It seems pretty coincidental that the exact opposite side of the planet to Raftel is constantly shrouded in fog, and that the Florian Monsters are hidden there, destroying ships that come too close.Here’s where we get to the REAL head cannon/speculative part of the theory, so if thats gonna trigger you, I apologise but I don’t really feel like I’ve actually proposed any super exciting ideas as of yet haha… Going back to what Mr Morj and Co. were saying about going to the moon, I believe all of this could lead to a pretty awesome explanation as to how the Straw Hats could end up travelling there. . Florian Triangle (フロリアン・トライアングル, Furorian Toraianguru?, secara harfiah diartikan sebagai "zona segitiga setan") atau Segitiga Florian adalah hamparan laut yang harus dilewati jika berlayar dari Water 7 menuju Pulau Gyojin.Area ini diselubungi kabut tebal sehingga menghalangi semua sinar matahari masuk. During the Thriller Bark Arc, the Straw Hats went to the Triangle on their way to Fishman Island and discovered that Gekko Moriah was using it to trap victims to be used for his zombie army. Hi everyone, today I would like to address the hardcore fans who want to know everything about One Piece by shining some light on that foggy place called the Florian Triangle Mystery. It is covered in a fog so thick that it blocks out all sunlight. Messages: 25,319 Likes Received: 1,796 Trophy Points: 2,083 Joined: Dec 20, 2006. I know we haven’t had much information regarding Pluton as of this point in the story, and almost no information regarding Uranus, but I believe we have enough to see how they could connect us from Raftel, to The Florian Triangle, to the “final island” AKA The Moon.Just so you know, from now on, we’re going to assume everything I’ve stated about the Florian Triangle and the Florian Monsters above to be true in order to make sense of this part of the theory.So, what is it that the Florian Monsters have been ordered to ‘protect’?