:-(hi did you figure the problem out as i am stuck in the same situationDoes this custom rom include vpn.api that amazon decided to remove from its android build?I don’t think so. just want to go to rbox rom as fresh setup without any garbage that i installed on my AFTV.Normally on a phone i format all drives including system before installing any custom rom. Also busybox needs to be reinstalled. For more information on using a VPN on the Firestick, please see Best VPN for Fire Stick. Second question: Installing custom rom — I don’t understand step 4. I think I am in a pickle. Good luck.I just updated to via CWM. Therefore it’s not a big loss to me. The instructions said to do these things and that this version would allow us to keep the root. I still have root access.How did you block updates? I still have root.
You’ll be automatically taken back to the Firestick default launcher. Jouw IP-adres is daardoor uitgesloten van het plaatsen van reacties op Tweakers. Just a quick piece of feedback: the following might be good additions to your ROM install guides to help people avoid trouble.Before installing the rom, instructions on how to make a full nandroid backup from ClockWorkMod (to USB drive if possible), and a link to instructions on how to recover from such a backup.After updating rom, does “pm disable com.amazon.dcp” need to be executed again?After updating the rom, a reminder that busybox should be launched and re-installed.
Or if you prefer to do it manually, just delete everything in the .xbmc > addons > packages folder. Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions about the steps you need to follow here!I get an error message when I try to download the 1.9 version of the launcher. Thanks! I’ll put up a guide later today for you and everyone else.I’ve blocked updates at my router level. Excellent guides and instructions!It took a while but I updated my box to that at times adb stopped working so I turned it off from the FTV, rebooted and then tried again.My wireless keyboard which otherwise works great, does not work with the bootloader menu :-(Another successful guide follower here. I’ve added one final step to the guide with instructions to delete the ROM file.Hey Elias I love your simulcasts you have devoted a lot of time into these guides for information purposes as well as the benefits of rooting these devices. Fire stick is the family name for the Amazon’s streaming media players, which picks content from the Internet (videos, music, games, etc.) If you are looking for new ways to make the most out of your Amazon Firestick, you will be happy to know that there is a custom launcher on Amazon Fire TV which will change the look and feeling of your device. Thanks again!Nice, things seem to be moving quickly. But if I find a resolution for the music menu issue, I’ll come back here and post it.TROJAN4EVR and Dhorlo…both of you state that with a ROM install you saw towelroot show phone not supported (and somehow the version changes), supersu only showing force stop/clear data/clear cache, and busy box shows it needs to be installed again, but won’t let me bc towel root and supersu aren’t working right. Also, when I tried to download the updates from “stock” they were blocked by my router. or must I use some specific keyboards made for Amazon Fire TV?I previously followed this guide to install the upgrade be done by using aftv utility instead of using the line commands?I tried this and it says it can’t open the rom zip code in recover mode. Now that ClockworkMod custom recovery is available for the Amazon Fire TV, you can now install custom ROMs. Notice that Accessibility Services are Stopped and Secure Permissions: Not Granted.