He holds a degree in commercial engineering from the University of Hasselt.Philippe Van Troeye began working for Electrabel in 1988, when he had various roles within Production. Being the country’s leading producer of green energy, ENGIE produces electricity close to its customers, thanks to diversified production facilities with low CO2-emissions.
The Board of Directors met today to discuss the issue of extending Isabelle Kocher's Board mandate, which is due to expire in May 2020. This diversification enables optimal utilisation of the complementarity between technologies, using them to their best advantage, and inhibiting their disadvantages, with a view to ensuring a constant, uninterrupted electricity supply for our customers, irrespective of the conditions.It is ENGIE's ambition to take the lead in the carbon neutral transition by providing its customers, businesses and local communities with the means to make the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Here are some highlights of our rich history.The CEO, who is appointed by the Board, takes care of the day to day management of the company and representation of the company, with respect to the Board.Since 26 April 2016, Philippe VAN TROEYE has been the CEO of Electrabel. He is (temporarily) supported by Claire Waysand, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Corporate Secretary, and works alongside Paulo Almirante, Deputy Chief Executive Officer with responsibility for the Group's activities, and Judith Hartmann, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body in the company except when it comes to issues which, according to law or the Articles of Association, must be reserved for shareholders.ENGIE is the Belgian market leader when it comes to sales of electricity, natural gas and energy services. ENGIE is active in several sectors, from industry to smart cities, from homes to renewable energy.How does ENGIE want to realise its ambition to become a leader in the carbon neutral energy transition?
Some cookies allow us to personalize our advertising messages via online banners or direct messages. The Model in force has been formally adopted by the ENGIE Eps’ Board of Directors on 8th February 2017 and implemented as per ENGIE Eps’ Board resolution dated 14th December 2017.
He is also chairman of the Board of Directors for Recticel, Corealis, Golazo and Hospital Logistics and a board member for H. Essers.
As the energy transition and digital transformation revolutionize today’s world, ENGIE believes that its corporate business model must adapt to embrace these new challenges, which are shared with all its stakeholders. Since 2019, she has also been responsible for CSR and supervising Group activities in the United Kingdom and North America.Cédric Osterrieth has over 24 years of professional experience in the energy sector; he has worked in the electricity and also the oil and gas sectors.
At ENGIE we believe in harmonious progress. February 6, 2020. The ENGIE Board of Directors defines the strategic guidelines and directions of the business, and the Executive Committee implements Group strategy to succeed in the energy challenges of tomorrow. The ENGIE Board of Directors defines the strategic guidelines and directions of the business, and the Executive Committee implements Group strategy to succeed in the energy challenges of tomorrow.The ENGIE 50 Operational Management Committee consists of: Act with us for a more energy-efficient web by switching to the economic display of the site! He is responsible for managing the Belgian nuclear fleet, i.e.