dutch ship names

The Amsterdam foot (Most of the Dutch ships of the line, for reasons given above, were built with two decks of guns. In general, they measured 179 (Amsterdam) feet on the upper deck (equivalent to 166ft on the upper deck (equivalent to 166ft 2in in British units of measurement), with a breadth of 49 Amsterdam feet (45½ British feet) and a depth in hold of 20 Amsterdam feet (18½ British feet). In English, the Dutch prefix is translated as "HNLMS" for "His/Her Netherland Majesty's Ship".Some authors translate Hr./Zr.Ms. The new country called itself The where The typical armament for one of these ships was 28 x 24pdrs on the lower deck, 28 x 18pdrs on the middle deck, 28 x 12pdrs on the upper deck and 8 x 6pdrs on the quarterdeck; however, this varied sometimes. You may have seen the names spelled somewhat differently elsewhere. This was partly due to the shallow home waters of the Netherlands, which limited the maximum draft with which ships could operate. Dutch independence was won in the Dutch Revolution against Spain (The I did name a fluyt the Batavia, it has been active for the VOC and was very usefull in the defeat of a small pirate fleet and has been trading ivory at the shores of Africa ever since. the Swiss, and followed again 130 years later by another great nation. - Let me pilot your approach Everyday Dutch Words Basic vocabulary for conversation and reading Useful Words and Phrases for Travelers. If the same name has been used by more than one ship, the name is listed only once, if the ships belonged to the same company. In general, they measured between 167 and 168 (Amsterdam) feet on the upper deck (equivalent to 155ft to 156ft in British units of measurement), with a breadth of 46¾ to 47 Amsterdam feet (about 42ft 10in to 43ft 7in British feet) and a depth in hold of 19 Amsterdam feet (17½ British feet). Cornelis Evertsen de Jongere ('the Younger')(Admiral) With the outbreak of the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Staten-Generaal ordered the construction of twenty-four large ships, with a second group of twenty-four being added soon after.This list includes ships of the line built (all for the Amsterdam Admiralty) in the period 1661 to 1663, prior to the outbreak of the This is the period during which the United Provinces fought in alliance with the English Navy against the French fleet of These were all three-deckers, with standard dimensions (all in Amsterdam feet) of 170 ft on the upper deck, 146¼ ft on the keel, 43 ft in breadth and 16 ft depth in hold. All lengths quoted in this article are measured in Amsterdam feet, taken as the length of the uppermost continuous deck from stem to stern. This period continues until the French occupation of December 1794 to February 1795, following which the five separate Admiralties were replaced on 27 February 1795 by a single committee dealing with all navy affairs. It was the White Lion which docked at Virginia Colony's Point Comfort and traded some of the prisoners for food on August 20, 1619. However, in the 1660s four ships of the Amsterdam Admiralty were built which were structurally three-deckers (the This is the period during which the Dutch provinces consolidated their independence from Spanish rule, forming the This is the period during which the United Provinces fought three At the start of the 1st Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch navies relied heavily on hired ships to expand their fleet, but a programme to build thirty new ships of the line was promptly started. This is a list of Dutch ships of the line, or sailing warships which formed the Dutch battlefleet. The Dutch were often handicapped by the smaller size of their ships relative to the vessels of other nations, particularly those of England and France. Dive into the FleetMon Vessel Database and search for ships from all over the world. In later ships this standard was stretched to a greater length. The ships of the 2nd Charter each carried 74 guns. However, the larger Many sailors and ships of the second war returned and De Ruyter was This mod aims to expand the limited amount of ship names given to the Dutch significantly by completely revamping the existing name lists and adding new name lists. This was partly due to the shallow home waters of the Netherlands, which limited the maximum draft with which ships could operate. Van Ghent fell in the (undecided) Battle of Solebay, Consequently the Dutch did not build large three-deckers such as were found in the navies of England and France, except for a brief period from 1682 to 1695 (and a very few later on). All of these lists are based on a theme and is ready to give you the ability to expand your navy way past the realm of realism. In general, they chiefly between 154 and 156 (Amsterdam) feet on the upper deck (equivalent to between 143ft and 144ft 10in in British units of measurement. By 1680, following the end of the later Anglo-Dutch Wars, the Staten-Generaal divided the warships of the five Admiralties into eight The other battlefleet Charters were all two-decked warships. These too were two-deckers, with standard dimensions (all in Amsterdam feet) of 135 ft on the upper deck, 115 ft on the keel, 35 ft in breadth and 14 ft depth in hold. This comprised a flagship of 150 (Amsterdam) feet in length (the The first two of these were launched for the Maas Admiralty in 1653 and 1654. The lengths remained the basis of the Charters. They usually carried 18-pounders (or a mixture of 24-pounders and 18-pounders) on the lower deck. Eighty-Years War, 1568-1648). A typical armament for one of these ships was 26 x 18pdrs on the lower deck, 26 x 12pdrs on the upper deck, 18 x 6pdrs on the quarterdeck and 4 x 3pdrs on the poop I like to give ships names that actually where used for dutch ships, and preferably on for an appropriate ship as well. Royal Netherlands Navy ship prefix. The Dutch were often handicapped by the smaller size of their ships relative to the vessels of other nations, particularly those of England and France. During the 1650 - 1680 period, many Dutch ships of the line were "up-gunned", ending with significantly more guns than when they first came into service.