After powering up sufficiently, Vegeta unleashes a Piccolo battles Android 20, severing the android's right armAndroid 20 decides to attack Piccolo first, as he is the strongest after Vegeta. 20.While constructing the Androids, Dr. Gero discovered a way to fuse together the cells from the strongest warriors to walk the Dr. Gero is very cold-hearted, willing to do everything to achieve his goals, even kidnapping other people to use in his experiments. In spite of his attempts to kill Son Gokū through his creations, it could be said Gero wound up doing far more harm than good. He initially thinks that it must be a coincidence, and that they cannot know its location because only a handful of scientists know of its existence.
Dr. Gero (ドクター・ゲロ, Dokutā Gero, lit. Not until he reached Android 19 did he create an obedient, bloodthirsty servant. In some unknown island, Android 20 begins to explain to Goku why Gero wants to have his revenge on him for destroying the Red Ribbon Army. (目覚めた17号、18号, Mezameta Jūnanagō, Jūhachigō), first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump … Thinking back, he recognizes Goku's close friend, Bulma as the heir to Android 18 and Android 17 after Dr. Gero awakens them from their Android podsGero, inside his lab, says that he would have preferred not to activate 17 and 18, but that he has no choice now, and hopes that he has made them obedient. After the explanation, he had Android 19 fight Goku. Dr. Gero's mechanical body also lacks the eyebrows he had in his old, organic form. Il servira aussi à amasser des cellules de puissants guerriers dans le but de créer Cell.
Using an extremely intelligent tracking devices disguised as a ladybug he studied Goku and Earth's warriors for years on end. Dr. Gero (Android 20) is a brilliant scientist who worked for the Red Ribbon Army.
Later on he ambushes Krillin but spares him to activate his Androids, daring them to follow him, Android 20 is caught again just after he activates Android 17 and Android 18, who brutally murder him in response by severing his head. Dr. Gero (Android 20) is a brilliant scientist who worked for the Red Ribbon Army.
Aside from his incredible intelligence (one of the best in the world, impressing even Dragon Ball AF Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Il occupe la même position et partage ses mêmes idées, qui sont de créer des humains artificiels. His pants are dark brown, and his shoes are black and white. Gero calls the pair failures, and says he will deactivate them all for good. Il est le père de Gebo.
He has the utmost confidence in his technological skills and intellect, as he believes, even when the odds are against him, that he, or his creations, will succeed somehow. "Right around then was when the Androids No. Dr. Gero tells Android 18 and Android 17 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. He was also the father of a member of the Red Ribbon Army.
Piccolo, lying on the ground, suddenly gets up.
He tries to fight Piccolo head-on, but Piccolo is superior by far as a result of 3 years of intense training with Goku. Dr. Gero (ドクター・ゲロ, Dokutā Gero ) or Android 20, is a brilliant scientist who was known for creating androids. This is true, as he easily defeated Krillin in the anime, despite being damaged by Piccolo. Gero is mentioned by Trunks in the crossover manga Future Warrior wearing Dr. Gero's outfit while performing the Buster Cannon in Dr. Gero attacking Krillin with his Pesky Fly techniqueDr.