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Vous aurez de nombreuses marches qui vous permettront d’aller plus avant dans Doodle Jump PCainsi … Tilt to move left or right, tap the screen to shoot. See for yourself why Touch Arcade called Doodle Jump “possibly the best [mobile] game ever created” and Macworld called it “a perfect micro-game, insanely addictive, and deliciously replayable.”
* Don't doodle jump and drive! Beat your friends’ scores! A huge ammount of detail has gone into making this game as identical to the original game avialable on the iPhone. Nothing has fixed it. And be warned: this game is insanely addictive! What's New: - Awesome power-ups to pick-up (JET PACKs, PROPELLER HATS, ROCKETS, trampolines...)
- Many fantastical worlds to play in - Space, Jungle, Soccer, Underwater, Snow, Halloween, Ice, Easter, and now NINJA!! - Trippy obstacles to avoid (UFOs, black holes, and many, many monstrous monsters) Since the update it does not calibrate on my Lumia 1520 either auto or manually. Thank you! Laugh … And be warned: this game is insanely addictive!
Doodle Jump for the PC by Draken Development is the most advanced clone of Doodle Jump available on PC. * BE WARNED: This game is INSANELY addictive!
One of the hottest mobile games of all time - now finally properly optimized for Windows Phone by the same team that created the original version! Doodle Jump est un jeu de plateforme gratuit que vous allez pouvoir retrouver sur mobile et tablette pour le plus grand plaisir des amateurs de ce petit héros. - Global leaderboards, fun achievements! L'assistant de 01net propose aussi d'installer des utilitaires ou des offres commerciales, v�rifi�s par nos soins, en option.Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser l'assistant d'installation, cliquez sur � lien de t�l�chargement direct �. - Mad platforms to jump on (Broken, moving, disappearing, shifting, EXPLODING…) How high can you jump? How to play: Features: Beat your friends’ scores! Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. See for yourself why Touch Arcade called Doodle Jump “possibly the best [mobile] game ever created” and Macworld called it “a perfect micro-game, insanely addictive, and deliciously replayable.” How high can you jump? GRATUIT - Jouez gratuitement a Doodle Jump sur PC avec cette version en ligne et en flash du jeu Doodle Jump. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Le but est de faire le meilleur score en allant le plus haut possible sans tomber ni se faire aspirer dans un trou noir.
Découvrez l'univers de la série Defiance dans un jeu de tir en ligne orienté multijoueurProfitez des derniers jeux disponibles en jouant en streaming sur votre PCJeu de rôle et d'aventure dans un monde sans limite à explorerAmenez votre personnage à quatre jambes le plus haut possibleVous avez un problème avec ce logiciel, consultez les forumsSuivez à tout moment l'actualité des nouvelles technos et prenez connaissance des derniers téléchargements disponibles.
- Mad platforms to jump on (Broken, moving, disappearing, shifting, EXPLODING…) En cliquant sur le bouton � t�l�charger �, vous b�n�ficiez de notre assistant d'installation, qui optimise et facilite le t�l�chargement. Fun classic game! One of the hottest mobile games of all time - now finally properly optimized for Windows Phone by the same team that created the original version! I've had this app on every smart phone I've owned. What's New:
Tilt to move left or right, tap the screen to shoot.
* Don't doodle jump and drive! Features: 7 By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services.
Journey up a sheet of graph paper, perpetually jumping from one platform to the next, picking up jet packs, avoiding black holes, and blasting baddies with nose balls along the way. Thanks :) Description du jeu Doodle Jump PC Dans ce jeu, rien à expliquer. 17.24 MB
- Awesome power-ups to pick-up (JET PACKs, PROPELLER HATS, ROCKETS, trampolines...) Journey up a sheet of graph paper, perpetually jumping from one platform to the next, picking up jet packs, avoiding black holes, and blasting baddies with nose balls along the way.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. As seen on TV (Big Bang Theory, Parks & Rec, Bad Girls), movies (Battleship), late-night (Jimmy Fallon) and on tour with Lady Gaga, find out why Doodle Jump is a true cultural phenomenon. Maintenant vous pouvez jouer GRATUITEMENT a cette version en ligne et en Flash du celebre jeu Doodle Jump PC !
Thanks for reporting your concern. Doodle Jump est l'un des jeux les plus populaires sur iPhone et sur telephones portables. As seen on TV (Big Bang Theory, Parks & Rec, Bad Girls), movies (Battleship), late-night (Jimmy Fallon) and on tour with Lady Gaga, find out why Doodle Jump is a true cultural phenomenon. - No more screen dimming
You’re now signed up to receive Microsoft Store emails. How to play:
- New icon just for Windows Phone 8 User Rating: 5 out of 5 Laugh with delight as you blow past other players' actual score markers scribbled in the margins. - New icon just for Windows Phone 8
Dans le jeu de plateforme, Doodle Jump amenez votre personnage à quatre jambes, Doodler, le plus haut possible.
Very laggy on Lumia 1520, extremely frustrating and difficult to control because of this lag, it seems to not be able to tell which way the phone is tilting so please fix and then ill give better scoreThis app is great except it doesn't have coins like iPhones.This game is simple and hard and fun along with five stars!! I've tried uninstalling and powering down my phone.
I wish more developers would port their games to Windows Phone! - Many fantastical worlds to play in - Space, Jungle, Soccer, Underwater, Snow, Halloween, Ice, Easter, and now NINJA!! - Trippy obstacles to avoid (UFOs, black holes, and many, many monstrous monsters)
Journey up a sheet of graph paper, perpetually jumping from one platform to the next, picking up jet packs, avoiding black holes, and blasting baddies with nose balls along the way. Lima Sky LLC
For all ages
!This was a terrific app. ❤ there's a pirate theme in android please add that and add more themes too please!