david sassoli amtszeit

David Sassoli elected President of the European Parliament He enrolled in the register of professional journalists on 3 July 1986. In 2009, Sassoli left his journalistic career to enter politics, becoming a member of the centre-left On 9 October 2012, Sassoli announced his candidacy in the primaries for the In his acceptance speech, Sassoli talked about the European project as a dream of peace and democracy. He will lead Parliament until January 2022.In a brief address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg immediately after the vote, President Sassoli thanked the 9th legislature MEPs for their confidence in him. David Maria Sassoli (n. 30 mai 1956, Florența, Italia) este un politician social-democrat italian, reprezentant al Partito Democratico și membru al Parlamentului European din 2009 până în prezent.. În data de 3 iulie 2019 a fost ales în funcția de președinte al Parlamentului European, cu voturile europarlamentarilor social-democrați și conservatori. During the 1970s, he graduated in political science at the University of Florence. David Sassoli elected President of the European Parliament Novinářskou kariéru zahájil spoluprací s malými místními novinami a zpravodajskými agenturami, než se přesunul do římské redakce novin Il Giorno.
He began his journalistic career by collaborating with small local newspapers and news agencies, before moving on to the Roman editorial office of the newspaper Il Giorno. Frequently Asked Questions about the transition from the 8th to the 9th European Parliament Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament Renew Europe Group Identity and Democracy Group Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance European Conservatives and Reformists Group Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green … MEPs elected David Sassoli as President of the European Parliament on Wednesday afternoon, having won 345 out of 667 valid votes in the second round.David Sassoli was born in Florence on 30 May 1956. Tiež pracoval s vydavateľským tímom novín "Il Giorno". He then said: “In these months, too many people have fuelled divisions and conflicts that we thought were a sad reminder of our history. David-Maria Sassoli (*30. máj 1956 Florencia Taliansko), novozvolený predseda Európskeho parlamentu (2019), je bývalý novinár, ktorý začal svoju kariéru v menších talianskych novinách. V rejstříku profesionálních novinářů je veden od roku 1986.

David Sassoli v 70. letech vystudoval politologii na Florentské univerzitě. Profile page - David Maria SASSOLI - Home. Before entering politics, he worked for newspaper Il Giorno and as a news reporter for TG3 and TG1. David Maria Sassoli (s.30. Instead, the citizens have shown that they still believe in this extraordinary path, the only one capable of providing answers to the global challenges before us”.“We must have the strength to relaunch our integration process, changing our Union so to be able to respond more strongly to the needs of our citizens and give real answers to their concerns, to their increasingly widespread sense of loss.”Mr Sassoli also underlined the priorities that the Parliament will have to pursue in the coming years.

He is a member of the Democratic Party.He first became a member of the European Parliament in July 2009. The result of the votes was as follows:Four candidates stood for election, who presented their vision for their leadership of the House in five-minute speeches.To view the videos of the candidates’ speeches, click on their respective names below.The votes to choose Vice-Presidents and Quaestors will take place on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, respectively. He said European citizens showed that they still believed in the project and talked about being proud of European diversity.Moreover, in his first public act as newly elected President, Sassoli decided to pay tribute to all the victims of terrorism in Europe, attending one of the sites of the On 19 December 2019 Sassoli asked for the liberation of In June 2020, he signed the international appeal in favour of the David Sassoli is married to Alessandra Vittorini, with whom he had two children, Giulio and Livia. EP Think Tank (19.06.2019): Electing the European Parliament's President V roce 1992 se stal reportérem pro TG3. Pozrite si osobnostný profil David Sassoli, životopis a udaloti zo života. He has been the President of the European Parliament since July 2019. Free photos, video and audio material: Election of EP President
Sassoli valittiin Euroopan parlamentin jäseneksi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2009. David Sassoli was born in Florence in 1956.

David Sassoli was born in Florence on 30 May 1956. As an Italian MEP since 2009, he was re-elected on a Partito Democratico list in Central Italy in May 2019 for a third term. David Maria Sassoli (born 30 May 1956) is an Italian politician and journalist. As an Italian MEP since 2009, he was re-elected on a Partito Democratico list in Central Italy in May 2019 for a …

V 70. rokoch vyštudoval politológiu na Florentskej univerzite - (Università degli Studi di Firenze). “We are immersed in momentous transformations: youth unemployment, migration, climate change, the digital revolution, the new world balance, just to name a few, which need new ideas and courage”.A full version of the President's address is available David Sassoli was elected at the second round of voting. toukokuuta 1956, Firenze, Italia) on italialainen demokraattisen puolueen poliitikko ja journalisti.Sassoli on toiminut europarlamentaarikkona vuodesta 2009 lähtien ja hänet valittiin Euroopan parlamentin puhemieheksi 3. heinäkuuta 2019.. Poliittinen ura.

On 3 July 2019, David Sassoli is elected with 345 votes as the new President of the European Parliament© European Union 2019 - EPInaugural speech by David Sassoli as President of the European Parliament