I will write this for future comers so they don’t waste a lot of time farming Luck and Fortune spheres. Yojimbo is the first optional Aeon in Final Fantasy X that can be recruited once the party reaches the Calm Lands.Found in the Cavern below, the party must pay a hefty sum for him to join, and then again, he requires payment for each attack. This item is incompatible with FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. Just did a quick playthrough, and when I made a mistake at Yunalesca, I paid Yojimbo everything I had (like 130k gil) and he killed her in 1 blow haha They have subsequently appeared in every version afterwards. Kozuka - Yojimbo will throw several throwing knives at a single enemy. re: Dark Yojimbo Strategy (Inter/PAL) Nice strategies even though this thread is old.
The Zanmato description was very accurate; 'Holy ♥♥♥♥ what the ♥♥♥♥ was that!?!?!' @DARKY: Thank you. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
Once I had saved 40 of each I would use 1 of each strength, defense, hp, magic, magic defense, mp, agility, accuracy & evasion & then continue like that until I had filled up the grid completely & activate them with the power, mana & speed spheres. - Unlock Evasion and Accuracy nodes as normal, they don’t need to be maxed. The point here is to beat D. Yojimbo as effortlessly and faster as possible, we all know the standard method to beat him, but is too time consuming.
I just had one person cast auto life while the other two doublecasted Flare / Ultima. boss battle - Dark Yojimbo
I then saved up 40 of each strength, defense, hp, magic, magic defense, mp, agility, accuracy & evasion. Not sure if this will be for everyone but this is what I found to help with beating them His compatibility has high influence on his motivation, so keep it as high as possible. - Spam Quick Hit, make sure to refresh Haste on Yuna if she dies and be aware of HIS BAR, when it’s full, MAKE SURE Yuna have a turn in the queue to Summon an Aeon to take the Zanmato instead. Dark Yojimbo Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, step on the teleport panel to get to the back of the cave then try to turn back out. I have only dark yojimbo left now and i dont know what to do to kill him 5 times.
Well what I did was train with yojimbo in the calm lands until he would attack for free and then I would raise about 25,000 Gil and go after dark shiva and dark valefor. - Around 30,000 HP is a good spot for surviving a few Wazikhasis in a row. This is no new strategy but may save some time surfing the net like I did. At Dark Yojimbo, with my main team of Yuna, Rikku, & Auron all equipped with Celestial Weapons and Ribbons, I did the kill-4-save-reload farming method to farm for every character to obtain a weapon with Break Damage Limit, armor with more Ribbons, and Break HP Limit. This is no new strategy but may save some time surfing the net like I did. Most calculations and their style were taken from Only got Dark Anima, Sheeva and Yojimbo(X5) before I can fight Penance and then finish the game. When I'd of done that & gained the celestial weapons allowing the aeons to break the 9999 hp limit on attacks I found that Dark Yojimbo & most of the other dark aeons were relatively easy.
- Around 30,000 HP is a good spot for surviving a few Wazikhasis in a row. Instead of being able to choose which action to perform, one can only either give him money and let him "do his thing", or dismiss him. I just wanted to complete the grid for the trophy. This is a guaranteed and easy method if you are careful about his bar. How to Defeat Dark Aeons. The fourth it was a failure and i tried to kill him normal. © Valve Corporation. When I'd of done that & gained the celestial weapons allowing the aeons to break the 9999 hp limit on attacks I found that Dark Yojimbo & most of the other dark aeons were relatively easy. I will explain what affects compatibility below.Motivation 3 = [Motivation 2 * (0.75 + (Payment * 0.5 / TotalGil))] It should be noted that I did use Stoneproof armour. When first obtaining Yojimbo, his compatibility starts at 128, which works pretty well.
Farming Flan is a pain in the ass too, and in the end you need Defense and HP to survive anyway, I would say its easier to maximize strenght and cast Aim 20 times, furthermore the animations of the magic will make the battle longer than quick hitting. One way to check is to use cheat engine and check for byte values with unknown initial values. I'm not saying either way is better. You don’t even need 255 luck, 115 is enough for Yojimbo.