Die 1 Dywizja Pancerna (deutsch 1. polnische Panzerdivision, englisch 1st Polish Armoured Division) war eine polnische Panzerdivision im Zweiten Weltkrieg.Sie wurde 1942 in Schottland aufgestellt und hatte 16.000 Soldaten.
I like that, versus a 1,200 part Panzer IV!Not sure how picky I’ll get when it comes to cleaning up the bolts on the track ends. The ones with the sprue connection will need new bolts, but like Ripley wiping down Newt’s face, I’m in trouble if I make a clean spot!Looking at it, I wondered why it had big foot tracks off of a Bradley or AAV, then I looked it up and saw the cv90 mk III was only 35 tons max...I've been real curious about this kit, looks like it should be a very nice build, interesting too.Digicam looks spectacular, but it would make the PL-01’s fantastic shape less visible. Artikel 19 von 134 I cut away the fat short pins molded to the side of the gun and substituted a section of plastic tubing. Wow really cool.When I initially saw the post,I was thinking of some tankette from the 1930'sGamera - I was thinking a 3 tone splinter using blue-greys. But what a cool looking mock up!It looks to be a relatively straightforward kit with a low parts count. € Kind of like applying it as body paint on a supermodel. Ein deutscher Historiker findet die Wahrheit hinter dem Bild. The locator tabs for the front glacis and rear hull interfere with fit just ever so slightly, which is a common problem. Copyright © 2020 Berliner Zinnfiguren & Preußisches Bücherkabinett (1169486) It would be interesting to put that side by side with a Polish tankette from WWII once built. Takom | PL-01 Polnischer Leichter Panzer Prototyp | Maßstab 1:35 | 2127 | 4897051421542 | Kunststoff | Modellbau I’ll be picking one up for sure. Takom might have rushed this kit to beat out Trumpeter/Hobby Boss and Meng.We had our monthly "hobby night" at my place this past weekend, so I got some work done. Der polnische Panzer mit den >>Codename PL-01<< von Unternehmen >>Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Urządzeń Mechanicznych<< kurz „OBRUM” der wohl später „Gepard“ heißen soll: Dieser befindet sich noch in der Entwicklungsphase. For me, tedious stuff is best done during the wee hours of the night. I am looking forward getting a copy of this for myself.It looks to be a relatively straightforward kit with a low parts count. Hiervon ausgenommen sind die technisch notwendigen Cookies.
There are no distractions - the insane barky dogs across the street are sleeping, my two stupid neighbors' kids with their Subaru WRXs with the droning exhaust pipes are out drinking, doing drugs and racing on the freeway, no phone calls, etc.I'm still nowhere near cleaning up all the aftermarket links, so the kit "link and length" tracks are looking better every day.Can't blame you, a little peace and quiet works wonders.Considering the skirts cover about 40% of the tracks couldn't you cheat a little?Considering the skirts cover about 40% of the tracks couldn't you cheat a little?Dunno, but the shape of this thing just begs for a six-color WWI-style hexagon lozenge camo Ha ha Capt Mac, no “crazy quilt” paint for this one! 105 mm Geschützrohr für PL-01 Polnischen Konzeptpanzer That digicam is too nuts!Tojo72 - Yeah, it certainly isn’t Wehrmacht fodder! Yeah, the fit overall is kind of wonky. The panoramic sight is inexplicably tiny - current AFVs so equipped have these huge inverted bucket-looking things sitting on their roofs. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. 12,25