cannot make a static reference to the non static method from the type

好吧,我决定改成这样 . The T parameterized type for a class is associated to the instance of the class and not to the class itself but static is a class and not an instance modifier. For example, the abs method in the Math class is defined as a static method, so you can call it like this: int value = Math.abs(-42); Static means there is one for an entire class, whereas if it is non-static there is one for each instance of a class (object). Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method get() from the type Test1. Fix: Non Static Method Cannot be Referenced from a Static Context If the issue is with your Computer or a Laptop you should try using Restoro which can scan … 问题:有代码形如XXXDao.getXXX();在Eclipse中书写时(即编译时)报形如“Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method xxx()”原因:是因为这个XXXDao为不是静态类。解决办法:实例化XXXDao类即可: XXXDao xXXDao;xXXDao.getXX_cannot make a static reference to the non-static method add() from the type A static method means that there is just one copy of that method, and you can call that method without having an instance of that class. So the compiler doesn't accept that you reference T from a static field/method. public class Test1 { public String get () { return "123"; } public static void main (String[] args) { static String string = get (); } } 可是还是错的。。。。 翻了一下java书才知道.

Cannot Make a Static Reference to the non-static Method or non-static field error in Java and how to fix that error. Because a Here's an example Java class that intentionally creates both compiler errors. An instance of the class is required to call its methods and static methods are not accociated with an instance (they are class methods).
You are here: Home » Java » How to fix “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method ” Java 19.6.2015 5 Comments.

In order to reference a non-static method from a static context, you need to first create an object for that method to be a part of. In this class, all of its methods are declared as static methods. You can access a static method with out even creating any object of the class but trying to access a non-static method from that static method poses the dilemma; to which instance does that non-static method belong to, any instance of the class is even created or not. Java FAQ: What does the Java error message “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method/field” mean?If you’ve ever seen a Java compiler error message like “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method Instance members are variables and methods that you can only access when you have an instance of a class. I've put comments by both statements that are not valid.Java error message: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field or method 报错原文:Cannot make a static reference tothe non-static method maxArea(Shape[]) from the type ShapeTestb 报错原因:在一个类中写了一个public void maxArea方法和一个main()方法,在main()方法中直接调用了maxArea方法就出现如题的错误。
To fix it you have a few choices depending on your exact needs. For example, if you create an instance of a As an important point, note that you don’t write code like this:That works, and the reason it works as shown is because If that doesn’t make sense, I’ll try to demonstrate more of this problem using an example. This post shows what does “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method or a non-static field” error means and how to fix that error.In order to understand why this error crops up you’ll have to understand the difference between instance member (field and method) and class members.So you see the problem here? So, in your main method (the static context), you need to create a … In the source code below I’ve created an instance variable named Hopefully that helps explain where these error messages come from.