Android 17 says that his Power Radar is malfunctioning, as no one rivals him in power. This is when Krillin begins to fall in love with Android 18. Four days later, No. 18 is informed by Chi-Chi that there's going to be a picnic in space and she gets invited.
Android 18 asks what Gero meant, but Android 16 does not respond. Trunks notes that in the correct timeline that 16 was equal to Cell, but due to the Android 17 gets absorbed just the same, thus the warrior returns to the Time Nest. Vegeta tries to destroy her with a Big Bang Attack, but 18 shields herself with her arms.
Then Android 18 starts the fight again. Android 17 talks to the Z Fighters and says if anyone of them interrupts the fight between Android 18 and Vegeta, he will stop them.
Android 16 states that Goku is not here, which disappoints 17. Noticing that Vegeta, Trunks, and Cell haven't noticed the androids, he realizes this is his chance to shut 18 down.
Now I have eternal life like you." After An evil version of Android 18 (presumably Future Android 18) also appears in Going exactly the same as before, except this time, Android 17 professes his confidence on the Warrior, they manage to dispel the energy just as Cell appears and defeats Piccolo. She finally accepts after Goku tells her there is a prize for winning the After Krillin's surprise knockout, 18 scolds him for letting his guard down and reminds him of all the money he spent on training equipment. Suddenly, two police officers follow them and order them to stop. Cell has found you!". The truck is destroyed, and Android 18 lands on the other side of Vegeta. She also tries to clean up her hair and replies neither of them can beat her.
Vegeta finit par s'évanouir après un dernier assaut échoué. Trunks almost reaches Cell, but Vegeta kicks Trunks away, into a nearby mountain. 18 is shown to have a somewhat difficult time expressing her affections towards her husband, as she intended on one occasion to use Shenron to wish for the perfect gift for Krillin.
Cell remarks that he has become stronger as well, as a terrified Android 18 looks on. Cell turns towards 18 and says that she is smart not to try to escape. Android 18's power is described to be suppressed compared to her brother, Android 17.Her augmented might was first demonstrated when she fights Super Saiyan Vegeta. Cell tells Android 16 not to do anything unreasonable while he is on the verge of shutting down, and says that Vegeta wants him to reach his perfect form, too, so Krillin curses Vegeta. As Android 17 chokes Tien, Future Trunks gets up and runs toward Android 18, who swings Vegeta into him, sending them both to the ground. Après l'introduction des nouveaux personnages dans la série, Torishima toujours insatisfait de C-18 et de C-17, ce qui entraîne la création du personnage de Initialement humaine, C-18 est transformée en cyborg par le Elle sera la première des trois nouveaux cyborgs à combattre, après le refus de C-16 contre Vegeta. A year after their marriage, their daughter, Marron, is born. Ir a Breathless Struggle Android 18, Ir a Breathless Struggle Android 18 1 de 2. Android 16 takes flight still clutching Android 18, but Cell flies after the pair of androids and quickly overtakes them. Gero tried to kidnap the young Lazuli to turn her into an android, however upon seeing Goku in the vicinity, Gero sends 18 attended Mr. Satan's banquet, celebrating his new hotel honoring the defeat of Majin Buu. Vegeta assents, and taunts Cell, asking him if he is hard of hearing. Su nombre de humano, Lazuli junto con el nombre del Androide Número 17, Lapis, forma la palabra Lapislázuli, que es una piedra semipreciosa azul profundo muy apreciado por su color desde la antigüedad.
Silently Approaching Threat Android#18 Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost ID 80/100 1/10 24/32 11783 2 Sep 2019 2 Sep 2019 "Siblings' Bond" Category Ki+2 and HP, ATK& DEF+100% Aerial Crash Raises ATK[1] and causes supreme damage to enemy Innate Purpose ATK& DEF+80%; plus an additional ATK& DEF+80% when your team has "Android#16" or "Android#17" attacking in the same turn Infinite Energy … Since he cannot see them, they must be hiding in one of the islands below. Android 16 suddenly grabs Android 18, saying that they must escape. Android 18 mockingly tells him he can leave, but Vegeta says that he is about to finish her off, and that he would rather die alone than accept assistance from Goku and his friends. Vegeta thinks it is lucky the androids were here, and then tells Trunks he will not let him interfere. Android 17 gets cocky and again says that 16's sensors need to be re-calibrated because no one can match their power. 17 agrees, and tells Krillin to hurry and go give his friends some Senzu Beans.
As Android 17 and 18 focus on fighting Cell, the Future Warrior works to prevent him from absorbing both Android 18 and her brother together. He tells her that she is quicker than he thought, but she replies that he was not using full power. The residents of a city on one of the islands panic, wondering what the terrible voice from the sky could be. Néanmoins, quatre différences sont marquées : 18 shouted 17 is her twin brother and she is not interested in Krillin but she thanked him for saving her before leaving. However, Krillin intervenes, pointing out that Android 18 is now married and has a child.
C18: ¿Quien es él?
He also says that Vegeta's power has increased significantly.
She has shoulder-length hair that is either blonde or silver that parts over her left temple, which she generally keeps tucked behind her ear. Android 17 then asks Android 16 whether he does not want to tell them or whether he is just the strong, silent type, but Android 16 still says nothing. Android 17 claps at this speech and says that Vegeta truly is a Saiyan prince, but Vegeta spits and says he does not need a puppet's praise. Once they reach the town, Android 18 goes into a store to get more some clothes. In However, she still at times retains some of her original cool nature, as evidenced by the Android 18 and Krillin's relationship began as a mutual yet unspoken attraction despite their meeting as enemies in battle, as she spared his life and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Shocked and confused, 18 asks Krillin why he spared her, but he struggles to reply. Android 18 beat a Super Saiyan of roughly the same strength.