Airport. Was soll man sagen, der Luftgarten gehört zu den wenigen berliner Spots, welche den Wandel der Stadt in einen Marktplatz und Spekulationsraum bislang überlebt haben. Beware tho, tempelhofer feld is generally a Pokemon wasteland! They have the usual selection of German beers, even some non-alcoholic,...Tempelhof is an enormous space. Toller Biergarten auf dem Tempelhofer Feld. Toller Biergarten auf dem Tempelhofer Feld. You have to walk a little ways to get to it, but that's OK. Reviewed July 14, 2015 . Local Business. Limited menu, of good fast food cooked on the outside BBQ.Great relaxing atmosphere. Fast Food & beer benches - not fancy dining but a great great location! Like Tempelhofer Feld park, the best way to take in Tiergarten is either on bike or by jogging.
I really like the place is close to nature and you can eat delicious German food also delicious beer and coffee, I will come back whenever I can!Despite the sparse choice of places for food in Tempelhof Park, the Luftgarten served very reasonable and good quality German food!
Date of visit: July 2016. Good beer and good German sausage. If you go exploring the fields on a warm summer day, it's good to be aware of this place on the north rim of the park.
Take a bench table and enjoy the company and laughter of friends. There is enough shade, chairs to lounge and enough food to keep you going.Luftgarten is a wonderful beer garden at the historic Tempelhof Airfield, now a public space for the residents of Berlin.
90 meters The Rock - Bread&Butter. Also easily accessed from U-Bahn stations Tempelhof and Boddinstrasse. Viel Spaß hier!
Surrounded...A 25 euro taxi out of town to sit in the middle of a very large field. Event. Tempelhofer Feld Columbiadamm, Neukölln 10 Oct 2019 ... barbecuers, artists, kite-flyers, gardeners and dog-walkers. Great beer garden tho. Publication date 2013-07-27 11:00:00 Usage Attribution 3.0 Topics field recording, phonography, soundscape, sound art, soundmap, radio, ephemeral, listening, radio aporee Contributor radio aporee. Eine der ganz wenigen gastronomischen Einrichtungen auf dem Feld. Mijelle_Lin. Von Google… Local Business . The Tiergarten (formal German name: Großer Tiergarten) is Berlin’s most popular inner-city park, located completely in the district of the same name.The park is 210 hectares (520 acres) in size and is among the largest urban gardens of Germany.
No pokestops or notable Pokemon to catch.
Tempelhofer Feld. Not sure it was a wise decision!Beer and fast food, there isn't much else you need on a sunny afternoon. Only the Tempelhofer Park (previously Berlin's Tempelhof airport) and Munich's Englischer Garten are larger. Only recently opened to the public as the city’s largest park, the abandoned Tempelhof airfield offers more than Nazi bullies in Hitler t-shirts and Kaiser’s A&P Summer Rave.Go for a … Bitte geh zur Instagram-Feed-Einstellungsseite, um ein Konto zu verbinden. Biergarten Tempelhof - it doesn't get better than this! 1 . I would recommend to any friend that they visit Tempelhof if traveling to Berlin.Very pleasant place to sit out in the sun. Helpful? Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus.
Measuring nearly 1,000 acres, Tempelhofer Feld is best experienced by jogging or biking. Beware tho, tempelhofer feld is generally a Pokemon wasteland! AnnaLKa, Leiter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit at Luftgarten, responded to this reviewGet quick answers from Luftgarten staff and past visitors.Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & Answers page.Im Tempelhofer Park Columbiadamm, 10965 Berlin GermanyBiergarten Tempelhof - it doesn't get better than this!We rank these hotels, restaurants, and attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location. 16 reviews. Von Google…keine feste Bestuhlung vorhanden Frei wählbar z.B. There's even a Biergarten at the northern end. No pokestops or notable Pokemon to catch. the nearby Biergarten is powered by a diesel generator engine.
A very relaxing experience!A beautiful low-key space to get out of the city, relax, and enjoy a bier. Discovered this place last year and went back to spend a couple of hours. Great view on the field, some refreshments & toilets, and you don't to sit on the floor! However, the No. Eine der ganz wenigen gastronomischen Einrichtungen auf dem Feld. Biergarten, Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin - generator hum by udo noll. : Biertischgarnituren, Liegestühle ect.Kontaktieren Sie uns und wir beraten Sie PersönlichDiese Fehlermeldung ist nur für WordPress-Administratoren sichtbarDiese Website benutzt Cookies. 38 meters Bread & Butter Closing Party. 0 meters Aquanario - Europas grösstes Wasser-Spektakel. Relaxed, friendly staff, great beer. Sit in a sun chair and watch people cycle, jog and walk along the old air strip. The biergarten also offers some much needed shade form time to time. Great beer garden tho.Fast Food & beer benches - not fancy dining but a great great location!