azur lane ryuuhou

From Azur Lane Wiki. IJN Ryuho (рус. They have unique ears. Next in line is the gorgeous light carrier Ryuuhou, designed by an exceptional guest artist, Tony Taka.You may know his work on the Shining series, and he had already provided the Next in line aere two destroyers Kasumi and Hibiki.Kinu and Noshiro will be available at the points exchange.

Hibiki will be the overall event reward.Next we take a look at beautiful New Year Skins for Ryuuhou, Noshiro, and Suruga, which will come with Live 2D animations. They have been indexed as Female Adult with Blue eyes and Black hair that is Past Waist length.

General. Gallery. After launching an airstrike, 40% (70%) chance to release the power of United Fleet: increases own Air Power and all CVLs' Reload by 5% (15%), and decreases damage taken by … If the fleet this ship is in enters battle with 3 ships afloat in the Main Fleet, the healing from this skill is doubled. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

Во время первых 3 авиаударов, Рюхо хилит корабль с наименьшим HP, имеет три хила, каждый хил хилит 1,2% (3%) от макс HP Рюхо. Quotes.

... Each heal restores HP equal to 1.2% (3.0%) of Ryuuhou's maximum HP. ... Azur Lane вики — это ФЭНДОМ на портале Видеоигры.

Когда ваш флот подлодок входит в бой то хилит каждой подлодке 10%(20%)HP. Ryuuhou — супер редкий авианосец Империи Сакуры.

Ryuuhou is a character from the video game Azur Lane. Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии Оставайтесь в курсе всего происходящего на ваших любимых сообществах. Если мейн состоит из 3 кораблей, то эффект от хила увеличивается на 100%. 107k members in the AzureLane community.

Relations Appears in Azur Lane Azur Lane アズールレーン アズールレーン by ビリビリ動画 & Bilibili. Можно было получить во время ивента Swirling Cherry Blossoms. Azur Lane New Year Event Reveals Beautiful New Shipgirls Including Ryuuhou By Tony Taka & More.

It’ll start on December 26 and end on January 9.The event will bring plenty of new shipgirls and skins, some of which have also been shown in more detail on Twitter, including We then get to see the light cruiser Kinu, who will also come with her retrofit. Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. Additional skins include Cleveland, Southampton, Ayanami, Z35, Arc Royal, Kirishima, Unicorn, Nagato, Friedrich der Große, Kasumi, and Hibiki, while two more for Kinu and Cygnet will be part of an event.A retrofit for Hatsuharu will be accompanied by a new Oath skin for Kawakaze, on top of If you’re curious about the franchise’s popularity in Japan, you can check out If your interes leans more towards console and PC games, Azur Lane Gets Anime-Style Trailer In English for Aurora Noctis EventApex Legends Season 6 Launch Trailer Teases New Legend RampartNexon Announces “Record-Breaking” Revenue in Q2 Thanks To Releasing “Fewer But Bigger Games”Epic Games Store Offers Two Free Games This Week; Remnant: From the Ashes Free Next WeekCaptain Tsubasa: Rise Of New Champions Gameplay Shows Character Creation & Playing With Jun MisugiEpic Games Raises $1.78 Billion in Latest Funding RoundAzur Lane New Year Event Reveals Beautiful New Shipgirls Including Ryuuhou By Tony Taka & More Когда ваши подлодки убивают врага, то у Рюхо увеличивается урон на 1%(3,5%), суммируется до 6 раз. Ryuuhou, Kinu, Suruga, and Kasumi will come from the limited construction banner. Second Today Yostar hosted a Christmas livestream about its popular shipgirl-focused mobile game Azur Lane, and boy they had news to deliver.First of all, we get the reveal of the New Year event, titled “Kagerishi Michiru Kage no Hana,” which translates as “Flowers of Shadow Bloom in the Darkness.”The English title has not been announced just yet. 892 votes, 20 comments. Когда Рюхо во флоте, уменьшает получаемый урон эскорта от вражеских торпед запущеных с подлодок на 4,5%(12%). Quotes | Add Spells and Abilities | …