Los Angeles, California. We respect your privacy. You can find the list of The Automatic tour dates here.
Want to see The Automatic in concert? 8,979 people follow @automatic_band's Instagram account. The Automatic concert tickets are on sale. Get Automatic tickets.
Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Tour; Reviews; Contact; Store Subscribe. Get your tour dates seen by one billion fans: Email Address. Signal (JooJoo Remix)
Automatic (band) tour dates 2021 Automatic (band) is currently touring across 1 country and has 1 upcoming concert. The Automatic Tour Dates 2020. There are plenty of bands that serve as good examples of just how much tastes have changed within mainstream indie over the past decade or so, and The Automatic are among them. Songkick is the first to know of new tour announcements and concert information, so if your favorite artists are not currently on tour, join Songkick to track The Automatic and get concert alerts when they play near you, like 57391 other The Automatic fans. Since 2010, the individual members have been focused on other projects, although there’s nothing official as fas a hiatus is concerned.
The final concert of the tour will be at Best Kept Secret Festival in Hilvarenbeek.
The Automatic, are a Welsh rock band.
Admittedly, it’d be easy to level accusations at the Welsh outfit that they were one hit wonders, with their single ‘Monster’ being far and away what they’re best known for, and perhaps no wonder; after all, it reached as high as number four on the UK charts in 2006.
Join 57,391 fans getting concert alerts for this artist
Automatic [band] [Indie/ Punk] - Automatic, LA punk trio, composed of Izzy Glaudini (synths, vocals), Lola Dompé (drums, vocals) and Halle Saxon (bass, vocals).
Check out Automatic tour schedule, live reviews, photos, and details
Too Much Money (Peanut Butter Wolf Remix)
Thank you for signing up for the Granville Automatic newsletter! The band is composed of Robin Hawkins on vocals, bass and synthesisers, James Frost on guitar, synthesisers, backing vocals and occasional bass, Iwan Griffiths on drums and Paul Mullen on vocals, guitar and synthesiser – since 2007. Sign Up.
Create an account to see everything they share. Automatic.
Find information on all of The Automatic’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2020-2021. Writeautomatic@gmail.com @automatic_band Follow-ups This Is a Fix and Tear the Signs Down failed to meet with the same degree of success, critically or commercially, but the band ploughed ahead anyway, with enough of a cult fanbase to ensure that their usually chaotic live shows still saw them pack rooms across the UK. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for The Automatic scheduled in 2020.
The Automatic is a Welsh rock band. Calling It (Peaking Lights Disco Rerub)
See every Automatic concert and Automatic live stream. In retrospect, though, their debut album, Not Accepted Anywhere, was a huge success with the critics around the time of its release, too, but perhaps the plight of the band since is simply reflective of the fact that that brand of guitar-driven, boisterous indie rock has gone out of fashion in the years since.
Calling It b/w Mind Your Own Business
Mullen joined after the departure of Alex Pennie, who provided synthesiser, percussion and vocals. The Automatic On tour: no; Upcoming 2020 concerts: none; ... Is a Fix and Tear the Signs Down failed to meet with the same degree of success, critically or commercially, but the band ploughed ahead anyway, with enough of a cult fanbase to ensure that their usually chaotic live shows still saw them pack rooms across the UK. The AutoMatic 80s band members each have a background in songwriting and are recording and touring artists in their own right.