attack helicopter wikipedia
A competitive evaluation of preproduction helicopters, one fitted with the Martin Marietta sensor / targeting suite and the other fitted with the Northrop suite, was performed, with Martin Marietta winning the competition in April 1980. The Attack Helicopter is an event in Rust, occuring about once every 2-4 hours (24-48 hours for the Savas Island map). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Advanced Attack Helicopter (AAH) was a United States Army program to develop an advanced ground attack helicopter beginning in 1972. At the time, it was stated that the Army had determined that a number of upgrades would be necessary in order for the RAH-66 to be capable of surviving on the battlefield in the face of current Subsequently, the Army decided to pursue development of another battlefield scout helicopter under the A multitude of reasons contributed to the ultimate cancellation of the RAH-66 program. A helicopter, sometimes referred to in slang as a "chopper", is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by one or more horizontally-spinning rotors. The Advanced Attack Helicopter program followed cancellation of the Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne.After evaluating industry proposals, the AAH competition was reduced to offerings from Bell and Hughes.Following a flight test … During late 2000, it was revealed that an effort to reduce the Comanche's During 2002, the Comanche program underwent heavy restructuring; consequently, the planned number of Comanches to be purchased was decreased to 650 rotorcraft. In Francia e Spagna è conosciuto col nome di Tigre. It was equipped with a single chin-mounted 20 mm three-barrel Numerical sequence used by USAAC/USAAF/USAF 1941–present; The first Phase 2 flight, of an upgraded initial prototype, was on 28 November 1977, with the first flight of a newbuild preproduction prototype on 31 October 1979. However, during 2002, the Comanche program underwent heavy restructuring; the number of Comanches that were to be purchased was cut to 650. The Army wanted an aircraft better than the AH-1 Cobra in firepower, performance and range. Augusta Westland A129 Technical Data voci di elicotteri presenti su Wikipedia L' AgustaWestland AW129 (in precedenza Agusta A129) è un elicottero d'attacco leggero prodotto in Italia da Leonardo (in precedenza dall' AgustaWestland , confluita nella nuova Finmeccanica, rinominata Leonardo dal 2017). The TAI/AgustaWestland T129 ATAK is a twin-engine, tandem seat, multi-role, all-weather attack helicopter based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta platform. During the early 1980s, the U.S. Army started to formulate requirements for the replacement of its helicopters then in service, which resulted in the launch of the A pair of RAH-66 prototypes were constructed and underwent flight testing between 1996 and 2004. A competitive evaluation of preproduction helicopters, one fitted with the Martin Marietta sensor / targeting suite and the other fitted with the Northrop suite, was performed, with Martin Marietta winning the competition in April 1980. The report recommended funding of the Air Force's A-X program, which would become the Following the cancellation of the AH-56 Cheyenne the US Army sought an aircraft to fill an anti-armor attack role. Initial Hellfire launches had already taken place by then, with first firings in April 1979. Initial Hellfire launches had already taken place by then, with first firings in April 1979. Mentre gli elicotteri si sono rivelati efficaci nel ruolo di anticarro nel teatro Altri elicotteri specifici vennero sviluppati per missioni condotte dalle Attualmente la filosofia dell'elicottero d'attacco è stata ulteriormente perfezionata, e l'AH-64 Apache Longbow riunisce in sé molte delle tecnologie avanzate che saranno impiegate nello sviluppo di futuri simili progetti. “Helicopters harass enemy defenses from long range. The attack took place near the border between Uruzgan and Daykundi province in Afghanistan when special operation troops helicopters attacked three minibuses with … The Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche was a stealth armed reconnaissance and attack helicopter designed for the United States Army.Following decades of development, during 2004, the RAH-66 program was canceled prior to mass production commencing, by which point nearly US$7 billion had been already spent on the program. Both designs were regarded as good, but the Hughes design seemed to have an edge in survivability.The AH-64A then entered phase 2 of the AAH program. The Boeing AH-64 Apache (/ ə ˈ p æ tʃ i /) is an American twin-turboshaft attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement and a tandem cockpit for a crew of two. In 1971, political friction increased between the Army and the Air Force over the close air support (CAS) mission.The Army convened a special task force under General Marks in January 1972, to reevaluate the requirements for an attack helicopter.In April 1972, the Senate published its report on CAS. Al giorno d'oggi un elicottero d'attacco ha due principali funzioni, quella di fornire un diretto e preciso L'idea di dotare un elicottero con armamento, in quel caso solo difensivo, risale alla In Unione Sovietica si preferì mantenere intatte le capacità di trasporto truppa piuttosto che attacco al suolo. Hughes Helicopters was a major manufacturer of military and civil helicopters from the 1950s to the 1980s. The Indian Air Force signed a multi-billion dollar contract with the US Government and Boeing in September 2015 to purchase 22 attack helicopters. An attack helicopter is a military helicopter with the primary role of an attack aircraft, with the capability of engaging targets on the ground, such as enemy infantry and armored vehicles. It features a nose-mounted sensor suite for target acquisition and night vision systems.It is armed with a 30 mm (1.18 in) M230 chain gun carried between the main landing gear, under the aircraft's … At the time, the projected total cost for the full production of the Comanche in such numbers stood at $26.9 billion. An initial production order for 11 " Its primary mission was scouting using its advanced sensors, in particular locating and designating targets for attack helicopters, such as the AH-64 Apache, to strike.For the light attack role, the RAH-66 was to be furnished with various armaments.