atago captain skills
I generally feel that it’s not worth spending skill points and modules to upgrade these, though in theory they could reach out to 7.92km but the weight of firepower would be rather lackluster for such a heavy investment.Like all IJN Heavy Cruisers, the Atago has a deadly torpedo complement. With upgrades her rudder shift time can be brought down to 6.5s.This said, the Atago can out turn her turrets, even with the Captain skill. Not sure you'd want to spend 4 skill points on +20% AA when you could pick DE.I use basic firing training, situation awareness, aiming expert, superintendent, advanced firing training and concealment expert.Thanks guys for the tips and the captain is for Atago itself. Have you been able to cope with the new captain skills? Skill Points Left. She is a trainer as is all of my premium ships. 1 votes L15. This speed comes at a price. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. This thread is archived. Her torpedoes do not reload quickly, however, requiring almost 2 minutes between salvos. I got 7 skill points unused and I'm having second thoughts where to put it for line 3 skills.

Hey guys I would like to ask some tips regarding the Atago captain skills.I got 7 skill points unused and I'm having second thoughts where to put it for line 3 skills.I'm thinking about putting it on Superintendent since Atago can be thrown at T10 matches and extra repair and AA would help alot. Each penetrating shell hit from a high explosive round does an impressive 1000 damage against unsaturated areas off her victim. Support 3A - Basic Firing Training Though she won’t print Dreadnought medals like some Battleships, she can earn them if given time to recover between batterings.Tier for tier, the Atago is potentially an incredibly powerful cruiser, but only in the right hands. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Since she was introduced, the Atago has undergone some rather significant changes. With better penetration values than the 155mm and 152mm of the Mogami and Mikhail Kutuzov respectively, this is more likely to still cause damage when striking more significantly (but still lightly) armoured sections of an enemy vessel, such as their prow instead of giving 0-damage hits. ¯¯ Endurance 4A - Manual Fire Control for Secondary 2 votes L19. Endurance 4B - Fire Prevention Any tips on that one?As for line 4 Its already a given that I would go for Advance Firing Training.You don't use a captain for the Atago... You use your existing IJN Captains.But if you don't play IJN or want one for some strange reason.You can do this too, Sixth, Expert, SI, DE, High alert and some others.Its already a given that I would go for Advance Firing Training rightWhich is fine since this is the Myoko/Ibuki/Zao build anyhowNagato's 7.2km secondaires and Yamato's 10.1km secondaries disagree.Situation Awareness, Aiming Expert, Superintendent, Demolition Expert, Concealment ExpertI built mine as a destroyer, not only because I want to have multiple concealment expert destroyers, but because Atago actually performs quite decently with that build (plus the play style changes a lot once you get 9km stealth torping ability with concealment expert)I went with Superintendent, and Last Stand for the L4 skill.I'm actually using my Fubuki captain on my Atago and it is amazing. This comes from her slower rate of fire — a mere 3.8 rounds per minute, which is lower than even the tier 7 IJN Myoko-class cruiser with 4.3 rounds per minute.Range wise, she is comparable to the other heavy cruisers with 8″ rifles, but she cannot match the 155mm or 152mm armed cruisers like the Mikhail Kutuzov and Mogami which can benefit from the Captain Skill, Her AP performance is good. Captain Skill Calculator - World of Warships *Updated for Patch Hey guys I would like to ask some tips regarding the Atago captain skills. This gives her some very long legs, making her quite capable of dictating the ranges at which most engagements are fought.
However that goes for the High Alert skill too when you get flooded and flamed. Support 4A - Advanced Firing Training A great selection indeed. ∞

∞ I suppose I will put captains in them when I get all of the tech tree ships and their captains have enough points. This will result in reduced XP gains, but the extra stealth is well worth it. Support 4B - Manual Fire Control for AA Nooooooooo, she has … For tier two, Expert Marksman will hasten your turret rotation speed down to 26.1s. All my IJN captains are good as is.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA game about huge boats. Three are mounted on the forward section of the ship and two aft. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.