aloha airlines 243
The equipment is on the field is on the way At 3000 meters flying West of the mountain the pilot slows the aircraft and as gently as possible, begins the right hand, turn towards calorie passengers sense that someone must be in control of the aircraft I've had some training pilot We were wings level It was an inner dive or roll It was wings level At that moment. Nach dem Steigflug brach im vorderen Rumpfbereich ein Stück des oberen Rumpfes heraus. Five landing No two aircraft landings of the same highlights have the fact in many things The wind speed and direction passenger and fuel load and the length of the runway before them You want to clap right down that we land Yeah look how can we touch down Okay but complicated formula provides the ref indicating the safe landing speed even in a crisis like this pilots have to reach for the manual Extending the flaps fully will help act as a break once they touched down but to do it earlier could stress the air frame the breaking point What you have to remember is that the pilots weren't trained to handle a situation like this with the top of the airplane They became test pilots The aerodynamic effects of the airplane were drastically different than they were used to They really had to fly by the seat of their pants Aloha 243 winds now zero five, zero 2040 plus 31 Using her flight manual the first officer makes the complicated calculation that will give their correct landing speed The safe speed for landing taking into account the length of Louis runway too is calculated to be a hundred and 50. The gear did it The buyer trucks are on the way Okay Shut it down In this extraordinary video captured moments after landing the amount of damage the airplane suffered is difficult to comprehend an emergency activation of passengers i was kid injury has just been completed Some injured passengers have still to be held from the plane how it flew for those 13 terrifying minutes seems astonishing Captain Bob Shorts timer is thanked by passengers who just minutes before that expected to die The tension is released six years baby That's all I said partner did a tremendous job Patricia Aubrey how's her heroin Michelle Honda I was crying in the course. It is very accurate but it's a lot tougher to actually do it Patricia O 'brien had to find a way of dealing with the memories Also her way was to revisit the same piece of a space where the terror Slide with my psychologist you go through what they call Decent-sized Nation where you confront your fear and you just do it so many times that you can do it without having a bad reaction before that happens If something bad happened to me I go I hate life but I don't hate life I can deal with it Bring it on. Sign is two Is that correct More Aloha 23 4343 plans straight ahead for runway zero two I'll keep you advised of any wind change Four minutes after the explosion at this lower altitude that able to remove their oxygen masks with the speed having dropped a little over 380 kilometers an hour the wind noise decreases just enough for them to hear one another You want me to call for anything out No Y'all want 243 It looks like we lock the door We have a whole in the left side of the aircraft but the towel I can't hear this new information They've lost contact with the aircraft that transmissions aren't being picked up Aloha 243 you still up Is this a radio malfunction or something worse Aloha 243 hearing nothing from the stricken act wrapped the control if he is the worst aloha 243 Aloha 243 If you still here we have a permanent the low hot two point three Roger I got your identity straight away clear to land wind zero zero Wendy. The catastrophic damage to the Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 named Queen Lili‘uokalani provides the backdrop as first responders work at the scene following the emergency landing of Flt. The wrench turners that never happened an airplane that has been worked so hard serviced by mechanics who don't fully understand the briefings is a recipe for Augusta Investigators now believe they know why the airplane burst open but they don't yet know how I was flying back from Hawaii to Los Angeles and while I was in the in the air, I got a message that we need to interview this passenger who had apparently seen a crack as she was getting on the accident flight He saw something as you got on this airplane which you pointed out to your roommate Cynthia Johnson Yeah Cynthia talk me through it What did you see What I saw was to the right of the door where the paint was White Well It was a crack It's like not a whole exactly but the metal on top had come away from the meadow below I was going to the flight attendant you know but they were busy We had to take our seats You figured they know what they're doing.