MAVERIC stands for Model Aircraft for Validation and Experimentation of Robust Innovative Controls, according to Airbus. Codename Maveric: Airbus unveils curvaceous new aircraft design that blends wing and body The plane is designed to reduce carbon emissions by about 20 per cent Author of the article: Airbus vient de dévoiler son nouveau démonstrateur d'aile volante.
The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our lives—from culture to business, science to design. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. A high ratio lets you minimize the the two big sources of drag, that made by producing lift and from the friction of the aircraft cutting through air.Reist says the blended-wing body has largely been considered optimal for aircraft carrying more than 400 passengers. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. This could make way for additional legroom and larger aisles. It is the next generation of aircraft; we are studying an option.”He said it was too early to say whether such shapes could contribute to the next generation of medium-haul planes, expected in the 2030s.Since the previous generation of tests, aerospace has seen improvements in materials that make such aircraft lighter, and computing power has increased, improving flight controls, Dumont said.Airbus is now studying how the cabin would work and how the aircraft would be integrated into airports. After the engineers sign off on structure and efficiency, regulators, airlines, and others will want to evaluate the plane for everything from compatibility with existing airports to evacuation times to passenger acceptance.Airbus says the current demonstration program will end sometime this year, with a second round of studies to follow. Ese diseño es espectacular visualmente, y ahora Airbus lo ha rescatado para desarrollar un prototipo llamado Maveric que ya ha realizado vuelos de prueba en secreto.
Its helicopters are in service across more than 150 countries worldwide, performing nearly every type of vertical flight task imaginable. Please try againPostmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Airbus strives to provide the most efficient helicopter solutions to its customers who serve, protect, save lives and safely carry passengers in demanding environments.
The plane’s structure, with a larger interior, would need to accommodate different pressurization requirements, says University of Toronto aerodynamics researcher Thomas Reist. And the Northrop B-2 bomber has been flying for nearly 30 years.The interior of a Maveric-like plane would have fewer window seats but would allow for new seating configurations.But making the design viable for commercial use is a much different proposition than making it work as a military bomber, where concerns over cost and comfort are less pressing. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. We look forward to flying with you soon. The efficiency boost comes primarily from the higher proportion of surface area exposed to airflow, which aerodynamicists call the wetted area. The number one priority of Maverick Helicopters is the safety and wellbeing of our guests, pilots, and employees. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries.Airbus’ Maveric Brings B-2 Bomber Style to Passenger JetsStarting with the small-scale model Maveric, the planemaker says this new design could produce major efficiency gains. One unresolved question is whether such a plane would have windows or use video screens to give passengers a sense of their surroundings.Another issue that has dogged such experiments in the past is how to handle sensations of movement.Because passengers would be sitting further out from the center of the aircraft, compared to the classic ‘tube and wings’ model, they would move further when the aircraft turns. Rival Boeing has put more weight on a potential cargo role.Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.There was an error, please provide a valid email address.A welcome email is on its way.
That’s why Airbus says controllability is the primary interest area for the Maveric program.The payoffs of success, however, can be significant.