air canada import charges

D'autres frais peuvent s'appliquer si un animal n'est pas récupéré dans les Selon vos exigences d'expédition et de manutention spéciale, des frais divers peuvent s'appliquer, par exemple des frais pour des services améliorés ou à valeur ajoutée ou pour des options.

C-7529)Charge for shipments of restricted dangerous goods per UN/ID numberAdditional fee for multiple entries of the same UN/ID numberDangerous goods in Excepted Quantities, per air waybillRadioactive materials in Excepted Packages, per air waybillDry ice shipments (including dangerous goods being cooled by dry ice) , per air waybillNon--acceptance fee for dangerous goods shipments that do not pass the acceptance checklist, due to errors or omissions on the package(s) or documentation.Shipment of articles of extraordinary value/valuable cargo (applicable for shipments to Canada).ADR Form completion for dangerous good shipments transiting through Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) by truck (effective January 18, 2016)Presentation of shipments for Customs Clearance per Master Air Waybill or House Air WaybillProof of delivery requests (no charge will be assessed when proof of delivery is provided in defense of a written claim)Release and delivery of multi-piece shipments: to 11p. The fees that apply depend on your shipping requirements For personalized service and to discuss the options and pricing for your shipping needs, * Fees may vary by station/ground handling agent, please check with the local office. The fee is charged at the station your animal departs from and is based on Air Canada Cargo requires a comfort stop for cats and dogs under the following conditions: Under these circumstances, the animal will be sent to a kennel or veterinarian service and fees will apply. Pour lire les détails, consultez le Les envois entre le Canada et les États-Unis DOIVENT provenir d'un expéditeur enregistré ET être contrôlés par un participant approuvé ou par le transporteur (dans ce cas-ci, Air Canada Cargo). Afin d'obtenir un service personnalisé et de discuter des options et des prix associés à vos exigences spéciales, * Les frais peuvent varier selon l'escale ou le fournisseur de services au sol. When shipper, consignee or agent obtains a Customs release of separately Customs manifested and marked pieces, and takes delivery of a part of a multi-piece shipment, the Carrier shall assess a charge for each part released by Customs.When shipper, consignee or agent obtains a Customs release of pieces not separately Customs manifested and marked, and takes delivery of a part of a multi-piece shipment, the Carrier shall assess a charge for each part released by Customs.For any inaccurate AWB information that will need to be amended by Air Canada. Achetez des billets d’avion et trouvez des tarifs réduits, des spéciaux de dernière minute et des soldes de places avec Air Canada. or Canada Border Services Agency at 1-800-461-9999; If you are importing goods into Canada, please consult the most recent Canadian Customs Tariff. “air transportation charge” means, in relation to an air service, every fee or charge that must be paid upon the purchase of the air service, including the charge for the costs to the air carrier of providing the service, but excluding any third party charge (ATR section.135.5). Veuillez vérifier auprès du bureau local.

Import Shipments: )de tous les envois arrivés à destination, transférés à un autre entrepôt sous douane ou « ERTS », et de ceux effectués par bordereau de groupage arrivés dans le cadre d'un groupage :(à l'exclusion des marchandises de valeur supplémentaires) À propos de l'expédition Inspection à l'arrivée à l'aéroport de Francfort (FRA)Animaux – Aéroport de destination : Francfort (FRA)Marchandises périssables – Aéroport de destination : Francfort (FRA)Prise en charge d'animaux de compagnie (chiens et chats)Frais d'entreposage (Le temps d'entreposage gratuit maximal est de 24 heures de jour ouvrable et commence à 8 h le jour suivant l'arrivée de l'envoi. Depending on your shipping requirements and special handling needs, additional miscellaneous fees may apply. The fees that apply depend on your shipping requirements For personalized service and to discuss the options and pricing for your shipping needs, Charges will be calculated on the chargeable weight applicable to each air waybill (master and house) and are minimum charges which may be increased if additional work or expense is involved.Note: An additional £5.00 per certificate will be charged when a dangerous goods shipment exceeds three dangerous goods certificates. Saturdays count as working days.) Rate Class 2-6: Change from £50.00 to £55.00. Within Canada, that fee is $80.00 CAD per shipment, and in the US, it is $70.00 USD per shipment.All animals shipped as cargo need to be security screened.