2014/03/07 for Seat 3F 200 Sitzplätze. SeatGuru User on SeatGuru User on SeatGuru User on In Reihe 15 scheinen Fensterplätze ohne Fenster verbaut zu sein.Meiden sollte man Reihe 42, hier könnte es aufgrund der Galley laut werden. 2015/11/30 for Seat 9B Also note that Business Class is limited to rows 1-4 only. Seat had almost zero recline. 2016/09/23 for Seat 20f A nightmare, all 4 seats in row 25 are undersized and half leg room compared to standard economy. 11A is really great with lots of leg room. Seat 9E is even narrower than the standard economy seats, even though there is no window seat next to it (safety reasons?). Very stiff, very thin, very uncomfortable Slimline seats with barely any legroom due to very close pitch (I'm 6'1" tall). all the double seats on this plane (25B/C, 9D/E, 25D/E) are substantially narrower (2 inches) than the other seats.
SeatGuru User on Nichts ist nerviger, als im Flugzeug einen ungünstigen Sitzplatz erwischt zu haben. 4hours of discomfort. I will avoid LH in the future. Gleiches gilt für die Reihen 10 und 13. Informieren Sie Sich jetzt über die Sitzpläne Ihres nächstes Fluges. Seat 9A is smaller and also noisy due to the emergency exit and the engine noise that can be heard through the rubber sealing. It cannot be removed or raised. Hier sind die Reihen 5-6 H und K geblockt, da diese von der Crew in der Pause genutzt werden. Barely any legroom, tables were loose and the pockets on the seats in front were broken. It should be marked in red with a huge X through it. What Lufthansa calls Business on their shorter flights is pathetic and criminal. MAD-FRA was a little better because there were open seats on the aisle, allowing for a bit more room to stretch across with your legs. 2016/03/01 for Seat 25C Die Sitze sind immer in Paaren angeordnet. It is quite unreasonable to even call this a seat. PROS: light snack. SeatGuru User on
Combining the features of a medeival ducking stool used to make witches confess, and a chair designed to inflict pain of the type utilized by religious devotees who self flagellate with barbed wire, fhis type of seat should banned.
Very cramped. SeatGuru User on The galley was next to it, but not verry bad. Am komfortabelsten sitzen Fluggäste in den Flugzeugen des Typs Boeing 777 in Reihe 16, der ersten Reihe hinter der Trennwand zur Business Class, und in Reihe 32 an den Notausgängen. 2016/08/26 for Seat 11A SeatGuru User on Many other airlines on the same route (GVA-AMM) offering a real buisness class for the same price! Um dieses Wissen zu nutzen und komfortabler zu fliegen, bietet sich unbedingt eine Sitzplatzreservierung an. FRA-MAD was full in BusinessClass and therefore miserable. It is a rip off because one pays for a real business class flight.
2017/07/10 2015/04/18 There is also one other seat to the right but the space in 10E is better than 11D or 11C because there is no bolt-upright middle seat person to share space with. Für Alleinreisende sind dies sicher die besten Economy Class Sitzplätze in diesem Flugzeugtyp.In der Reihe 13 vor dem Notausgang sollte beachtet werden, dass sich die Rückenlehne kaum zurückklappen lässt.Wie immer raten wir von den Plätzen direkt vor der Toilette ab. SeatGuru User on Not at all what you want or are expecting when connecting from a trans-Atlantic LH BusinessClass wide-body flight.