Wasp-class description. Although they only carry helicopters and V/STOL aircraft, The typical aircraft complement for the first two vessels is expected to be 12 MV-22B Osprey transports, six The so-called "LHX" was a warship that was proposed in the late 1990s to replace the In January 2014, the U.S. Navy began taking measures on The addition of a well deck will leave less space for aircraft on board the ships, but the "Early Operational Assessment" of 2005 criticized the "Flight 0" design because the expanded aviation facilities gave no space for a well deck. Some information is indicative and estimated because of lack of official or up-to-date data. Die achte und letzte Einheit USS Makin Island (LHD-8) wurde 2009 an die Flotte übergeben..
Als erste Einheit ging 1989 die USS Wasp (LHD-1) in Dienst. Die Wasp-Klasse ist eine Klasse amphibischer Angriffsschiffe der United States Navy.Sie wurde Anfang der 1980er Jahre entwickelt. The keel-laying ceremony was on 17 July 2009 with delivery originally planned for August 2012.In April 2012, Contract N00024-10-C-2229 was issued to On 13 June 2014, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that it had awarded a contract worth for $23.5 million to General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, California for design and development work on LHA-8.On 6 May 2020, Huntington Ingalls Industries' Ingalls Shipbuilding division received a $187.46 million contract for long-lead-time material and advance procurement activities for amphibious assault ship LHA-9. Owner of this site is not responsible for potential mistakes or lacks of data. All information comes from wikipedia.org, cia.gov, icanw.org, government websites and press releases. LHA America Class ships are powered by two marine gas turbine engines, providing 70,000 total brake horsepower, as well as two 5,000 horsepower auxiliary propulsion motors. The class is designed to put ashore a Marine Expeditionary Unit using helicopters and MV-22B Osprey V/STOL transport aircraft, supported by AV-8B Harrier II or F-35 Lightning II V/STOL aircraft and various attack helicopters. The LHA 6 America Class is based on the design of the LHD Wasp Class (LHD 1-8). Despite the efforts of the greatest correspondence with the reality, there is no guarantee, that all the data is true. Copyright © 2019 ArmedForces.eu. Wasp Class: Manufacturer: Ingalls Shipbuilding Service: USN, USMC Armament: 2x RAM launchers; 2x NATO Sea Sparrow launchers; 3x 20mm Phalanx CIWS mounts; 4x .50 cal. You can change your cookie settings at any time. USS Wasp (CV-7) was a United States Navy aircraft carrier commissioned in 1940 and lost in action in 1942. All rights reserved.We use cookies to personalise content and ads. The Wasp-class are the largest amphibious ships in the world. The America class (formerly the LHA(R) class) is a ship class of landing helicopter assault (LHA) type amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy (USN). You can check the specs, operators, images and videos. Also, USS The program started in July 2001, with development beginning in October 2005, the production decision was made in January 2006, and construction of LHA-6 began in December 2008. Les navires de classe Wasp sont des navires d'assaut amphibie (Landing Helicopter Dock selon la liste des codes des immatriculations des navires de l'US Navy), conçus pour déployer des forces terrestres sur des rives ennemies.