Incluye piezas en fotograbado. C/ Gobela, 15-B. Present at the Battle of Denmark Straits and The Channel Dash, and one of only 2 German cruisers to survive the war. There are also additional parts for the masts, yards and antennas, the two propeller shaft struts, torpedo reload storage and Eugen's rudder. Other fine details are the scuttles with brow, armor belt and degaussing coil.
The 203mm SK C/34 battery was placed in four twin turrets, two forward and two aft. This product can be found in. Trumpeter's new 1/350 DKM Prinz Eugen fill s a long present void in the lineup of plastic ship models. Mr. Hobby, Vallejo, Model Master, Tamiya and Humbrol colors are shown on a paint reference chart. The 2 duplicate sprue F's have a portion wrapped in protective foam. Definitely recommended! The molded on doors and hatches will suffice for most modellers, but some will want to replace them with appropriate photo-etched upgrades. Trumpeter has set a new standard for ships in 1/350 scale with the release of the German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen: Lots of detail without a huge parts count, no glaring errors in shape or size, and almost perfect fit throughout the kit. DKM Prinz Eugen. The 3 sprue H's included each have 2 of the 105mm AA mounts molded on. All the parts
One of the most famous German ships of World War 2. These frets include some optional brass parts, like railings
The first piece, the bow piece, goes from the extreme bow to the breakwater- where the angled end of the foredeck meets firmly and seemlessly against the breakwater which forms the start of the middle deck piece. However I wish Trumpeter would put a little more care into the finish on their molds. The few parts that have underside detail also have unfortunately placed ejector pin marks, marring the detail.Sprue C has many various small parts; some ship's boats, the walls for the admiral's bridge, funnel cap, the 3 ship's propellers, and a large, single piece mainmast. Kit en plástico para montar y pintar. Can be found in Galleries Specification Accessories Customer who bought this product also bought: Write Product Review. The Hippers were also armed with 4 x 3 533mm torpedo tubes (12 total), 12 105mm SK C/33 AA guns, up to 3 aircraft, and a host of medium and light AA weapons, increased through the life of these ships.Trumpeter's new 1/350 DKM Prinz Eugen fill s a long present void in the lineup of plastic ship models. The anchor hawsepipes are fairly beefy, but the uninspiring molded on anchor chains are disappointing. Prinz Eugen is a great looking kit, and I hope Trumpeter keeps up with this level of detail with future releases in the Hipper class, and the upcoming Deutschland class Admiral Graf Spee. fit very well together, with virtually no seam- the best I've seen from Trumpeter yet.
There are some options the builder will need to decided upon, so close reading of the instructions is recommended before construction.
PRINZ EUGEN 1/350 Cat.No.
These deck pieces all have nice surface details; staggered wood planking on the main decks, with some fine tread plate pattern detail on portions of the 01 deck.
Permite la opción de exponerlo con el casco completo o por la linea de flotación.
This sprue is fairly simple, with 10 pieces of superstructure wall.
Also missing from the lower hull are the sea chests/water intakes as found on some large German warship models.The kit measures out to a bit over 23" long at the waterline, which is a little over .5" too long (should be 22.44"). Presumably, this choice was made because the best data for the model came from archives in the United States, dating from after the war when Prinz Eugen was in the US hands. The fuselage is in 3 longitudinal pieces, which is
The Trumpeter Schnellboot, was released on its own a few months ago. A full color poster showing the painting steps for Prinz Eugen, the Schnellboot and the floatplane are included. 39,95 US$ IN STOCK > 10 pcs. The funnel parts have some nice detail, and appears will fit together with little problem. Be forewarned, these railings are not pre-shaped, and proper use will require some research by the builder.
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Trumpeter has released a long awaited and long lamented missing kit in this 1/350 Prinz Eugen.
These parts have decent surface detail, occasionally marred by tooling marks in the mold.
Now, you can have an escort for your Bismarck, or the newly announced Dragon DKM Scharnhorst. In addition, these turrets have additional ventilation at rear; these fans and ducts are at the center of the turret on the lower, but the presence of the rangefinder required this ventilation to moved to the outer edge of the rear on the superfiring turrets. Eugen was the third ship built of the Admiral Hipper class of heavy cruisers, but was built to slightly larger dimensions than the first two (Admiral Hipper and Blücher). Eugen's hull is molded in Trumpeter's standard 2-piece hull; grey upper hull, red plastic lower, with an red hull plate for the waterline option. The included decal sheet includes deck and flag decals for Eugen, fuselage decals for 1 floatplane and markings for the included Schnellboot. The instructions call out when these optional pieces can be used. I thought the funnel grate was a nice addition, as well as the railings. However, the fuse setting machines to each side, and the open and stowed loading hatch detail resembles the detail seen on some recent resin kits. The walls that make up the visible portion of the aircraft hangar have minimal surface details, and the surface of the hanger doors will need some light sanding to remove tooling marks present in the molds.Sprue B has some walls for the superstructure parts, main and secondary directors, and some parts for the funnel. and ladders, to upgrade the plastic ones in the kit. The Ship, (a brief history) Named after Prince Eugene of Savoy, an 18th-century Austrian general, Prinz Eugen was the third of five ships of the Hipper Class. In keeping with modern sensitivities, there are no intact swastikas on this sheet.A 20 page instruction book is included, using Trumpeter's standard construction order and methods.