Durch Kulturkontakt, z. Infants acquire the bases for different cultural min...The definition of attachment as a primary bond between infants and caregivers emerging at around 1 year of age as an evolved adaptation for ensuring survival and development was the seminal contribution of the British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby and his (later) Canadian-American counterpart Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters e...In diesem Kapitel werden theoretische Hintergründe, empirische Befunde sowie daraus resultierende Ableitungen bezüglich einer kultursensitiven Beratung von Familien mit Säuglingen und Kleinkindern dargelegt. The...The definition of self and others can be regarded as embodying the two dimensions of autonomy and relatedness. Utilizing a non-normative approach, we investigate Cameroonia...This paper explores ethical issues raised by parenting interventions implemented in communities in low- to middle-income countries (LMICs) with rural, subsistence lifestyles. Expectation learning performance was...Three-month-old Cameroonian Nso farmer and German middle-class infants were compared regarding learning and retention in a computerized mobile task. Retrouvez infos & avis sur une large sélection de DVD & Blu-ray neufs ou d'occasion. Es kann zu Übertreibungen ebenso wie Auslassungen kommen, und damit zu nicht intendierten Effekten. In particular, the conception of a single, primary adult caregiver does not correspond with the reality of many early child care patterns worldwide. Kompetenz bedeutet, sich in einem bestimmten Umfeld zurechtzufinden, autonom handeln zu können und sich materiell...Dieses Bild vom Kind finden wir in direkter Übersetzung in der Elementar- und Frühpädagogik. Families of the three contexts were overall similarly elaborative and children contributed a similar amount of memory elaborations. First the seminal contribution of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth are recognized in proposing a new paradigm for understanding children’s development, synthesizing the interdisciplinary knowledge of relationship formation present during the 1950s (Bowlby) an...Die Kindheit stellt eine, evolutionär betrachtet, junge Lebensphase dar. Heidi Gurtner est sur Facebook. The sequence and structure of developmental stages across the life span constitute reproductive styles that promise best inclusive fitness within the respective cont...Ausgehend von der öffentlichen Diskussion um die ichbezogene Generation und die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen analysiert Heidi Keller das frühe Erziehungs- und Sozialisationsumfeld von Kindern. The final sample consisted of 40 Turkish migrant children, 56 German urban middle-class children, 47 German...Studies investigating imitation are usually conducted with adult models in Western contexts; therefore, the influence of cultural context and the model's age on infants' imitation is largely unknown. All rights reserved.Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of CambridgeFoundation "Haus der kleinen Forscher" [Little Scientists' House], Berlin, Germany Bilder vom Kind und Kindheit sind in kulturellen Modellen verankert, die Passungen an bestimmte ökokulturelle Lebensbedingungen darstellen. An increasing number of psychologists, evolutionary biologists and anthropologists are articulating their doubts that attachment theory in its present form is applicable worldwide, without, however, denying that the development of attachment is a u...The aim of this book is to situate attachment theory and research as a culturally informed conception of socialization and child development. Mit solchen Fragestellungen beschäftigt sich u. a. di...Erfahrungen haben Auswirkungen auf Erleben und Verhalten. A few cross-cultural studies have shown that the Western pattern of face-to-face communication is absent in traditional rural cultures, without identifying other processes that promote em...The present study investigated the impact of young adolescents' learning environment on their culturally mediated view of themselves as expressed in their self-drawings. Complete longitudinal gross and fine motor assessments based...The present longitudinal study repeatedly tested motor development in 345 infants at ages 3, 6, and 9 months in two eco-cultural contexts (German middle-class and Cameroonian Nso). We videotaped 22 encounters between a female stranger and a 1-year-old child in both cultural contexts and developed a coding manual to microanalytically assess differences on the part of the...The aim of the study was to examine the factorial structure of a socialization goal questionnaire across three groups within Germany. Results reveal the expected shift from a social to a nonsocial focus only in the Ge...The study compares mothers' conversation with their 4-year-old children about two past events in two autonomy-oriented (35 German and 42 Swedish families), one relatedness-oriented (22 Cameroonian Nso families) and one autonomy-relatedness oriented (38 Estonian families) contexts.